Alien City Raid

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Revision as of 15:04, 6 February 2007 by old_Komokazi (talk | contribs)
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Org Cirty Raids are well... Alien Invasions of your org's city. But how do you participate in a raid? Easy, just get these things:

1.) Alien Invasion Expansion

2.) Org City

3.) C.R.U. (ACRU from mission too)

4.) A few org members (or non-org team members)

Now you are ready for a raid. A general rule of thumb is, the person who puts the C.R.U. in the CC (city control tower) gets the loot from the General (land raid boss). This is generally only true if you are the only person in your org city doing the raid with non-org member team members. If its entirely your org, usually it goes in rank, or an order that was predetermined and agreed with throught the team.

I mentioned "Land Raid". There are sorta 2 raids. 1 were there are waves of mobs that spawn on the ground, and then you can board the ship and continue your raid.

This is a very general explination of an org city raid, but when I return home, I will finish with a more indepth explination.