R-2000 Vermin Disposal Unit

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Revision as of 17:17, 10 September 2008 by Shadowgod (talk | contribs) (changed item images to aoicon links.)


In Brainy Ant Woods at 800 x 1800, you might run into this huge mechanical monstrosity, the Vermin Unit, the mother of all Brontocatchers and Wastedisposals and the bane of all thats deemed vermin to it. The VDU has a habit of going offline for stretches of 18 hours though, probably due to a heavyduty repair schedule involving mechanics scream about the guntoting loons using the Unit for target practice. There are reasons though as you will see later on.

If you decide to go up against the VDU, you ought to know that it is a beast compared to its level (130) and also has the ability to cast blinds and dots like Biotoxin Cloud, so be prepared for that. He might not be the toughest customer around compared to The Escaped Gargantula or Nuggets, but he's still nasty, so be careful before charging head first into a duel with him.

If you take him down there are three things that he might drop, depending on what the mechanics stacked him with this time around...

ID NOT FOUND Rat Catcher Goggles Specialised goggles, created for use on vermin disposal robots, but they can be used by human breeds too.

The Rat-catcher goggles adds to your sense and perception skils, and requires some computer literacy to wear. Unfortunately they also change your vision type to EverGreen(tm) and thusly can be a bit annoying that way.

ID NOT FOUND Disposal Unit Electrical Toolset This nano-toolset is used by the vermin disposal robot to disassemble electrical components on items the robot is supposed to eliminate.

This tool is interesting in many ways, especially if you're a trader or an engineer, since its one of the basis you will need for making the Engineering Gun. Thankfully enough its not a nodrop item and as such can be given away to your friendly neighbourhood engineer. Better stay back, engineers has a tendency to explode in joy if they get this one, causing an AOE effect of 4000 Iloveyou Damage.

ID NOT FOUND This is the scent sensor of a standard vermin disposal unit. With some knowledge of nano programming it be can be used by human breeds as well. Place it in your nasal cavity for effect. In addition to giving you an improved sense of smelling, it gives you a permanent night-seeing ability. If you so desire, the bots within can be programmed to keep your nostrils clean.

R-2000 Vermin Unit is one of special encounters with 18h 10 min timer. This level 100 monster is one of easiest of them, just bear in mind that it has same high health regen as the rest. No one knows who made it or what purpose does it serve, but when engaged, it proclaims "Dust to dust", using same phrase as Dust Brigade. The site is popular with level 120-140 Engineers, who are after part needed for a pistol. R-2000 Vermin Disposal Unit spawns at 740,1835 in Greater Tir County.

Copied almost word for word from:


