Talk:AggDef and Initiatives

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Revision as of 11:25, 9 June 2005 by old_Angels (talk | contribs)

Inits and AggDef - Khailea 13:05, 9 Jun 2005 (CEST)

I've been wanting to add information about the other inits on this page, but unless I'm wrong there's no real difference between the different weapon inits and AggDef effects. Even NanoInit isn't different, apart from the fact that recharge time is not affected and the higher degree of impact that points in NanoInit have on the attack time (200 vs 600 points for 1 sec reduction in attack time). Maybe it's better to make a general section about Inits and AggDef and have 2 subsections which discuss the different impact on attack and recharge time for nano init vs. the weapon inits?

German tutorial available - Angels 13:25, 9 Jun 2005 (CEST)

I have a german tutorial available. I just have to translate it (and any of you who is more fluent with english may want to correct my many typos :) HERE you find the german guide.