Global Market Interface

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Global Market Interface (GMI) is the new player shopping terminal that replaced Organization City Player Shop in release 18.5. It is accessible through the Market Terminals located in all major cities or a Portable Market Interface Portable Market. Traders can buy one through their shop terminal using in game credits. Other professions can buy one from the in-game Item Store /open itemstore.


Market Terminal


  • The items you buy will automatically be delivered to your in-game mail inbox. Please note that these delivery mails times out after 7 days, and normal mails after 14 days.
  • You may access the new interface directly from the Market Terminals located within the main cities or with your Portable Market Terminal
  • You can search for all tradable items
  • You can trade across servers, allowing for more accessibility and a more unified economy in preparations for a server migration
  • You can buy existing items directly, or create buy orders with your preferred price
  • You can sell items directly to an existing buy order, or create sell orders with your preferred price
  • You can sell and buy more than one of an item at a time
  • You can sell and buy unique items
  • A small fee will be deducted when creating a buy or a sell order and a small tax will be deducted from the seller when an item is bought to prevent players from abusing the system


  • You don't need an organization to use the market!
  • You need to be a subscriber to do transactions (Alien Invasion)
  • Free players can browse the market



  • To place buy or sale orders you need to add credits to your market account. If can hold up to 4 billion credits. Toons are limited to 1 billion credits which they can carry with them.

External Links[edit]