
From Anarchy Online Wiki [AOWiki]

Like all the animals of Rubi-Ka, Piranhas are mutated descendents of Earth animals brought to terraform the planet. Aggressive and voracious, piranhas were as feared on their new planet as on their old. Piranhas are now presumed extinct on Rubi-Ka.

Urban legends of piranhas devouring the whole carcasses of unfortunate livestock as they attempt to cross streams have more than a little basis in fact; piranhas razor sharp teeth, strong jaws, and large numbers made them a real threat, if an unpredictable one.

Faunlore: "Despite the danger, piranhas became objects of interest, and sometimes were kept as pets. It is believed that this is how the piranha made it's (sic) way into Rubi-Ka's freshwater areas largely unchanged from its original Earth-based descendant.

Recently, as Omni-Tek attempted to upgrade its weather control system, the process had some undesired environmental effects. These effects included the assumed total extinction of the Piranhas and the Sharks."

Out Of Character: Piranhas and sharks were removed in a patch.

See Also[edit]

External Links[edit]

Piranhas on Faunlore