CAS Symbiotic Armor

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Consider this a long-term project, if you want to do it right. Shopping at the Armour and Clothing Components and Pharmacy and Chemistry Components terminals for exactly the right QL of Inactive OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots is the most time-consuming part of the process. This can be started as soon as the Organic Armor or Graft Armor pieces are obtained. Notum drops mostly from creatures that drop Gems, or Martial Artist mobs.

Appearance and Features

CAS Symbiotic Armor Helmet
CAS Symbiotic Body Armor
CAS Symbiotic Armor Sleeves CAS Symbiotic Armor Gloves CAS Symbiotic Armor Sleeves
CAS Symbiotic Armor Pants
CAS Symbiotic Armor Boots
ProjectileAC: 3153
MeleeAC: 4200
EnergyAC: 4200
FireAC: 4200
ColdAC: 1050
RadiationAC: 3153
ChemicalAC: 3153
PoisonAC: 3153
MaxHealth: 100
MaxNanoEnergy: 40
MaxNCU: 10
FirstAid: 15
RangedInit.: 30
PhysicalInit.: 30
MeleeInit.: 30
DodgeRanged: 15
EvadeClsC: 15
RunSpeed: 30
Perception: 10

Values compared to Carbonum Armor

Pro and Con

+ looks good (for some player it is important).
+ All parts are easy to get.
+ boosts many stats.

- has a big hole in cold AC.

Production Process

Required Skills

  • Chemistry (CH)
  • Nano Programming
  • Computer Literacy
  • Strength (Str)

Required Items and Iools

Amount Component *1 Location
2 Notum Chip C Loot
Notum Fragment C Loot
Enriched Notum Nugget *2 C Loot
1 Graft Armor part C Loot/Mission - Reward
Organic Armor part C Loot/Mission - Reward
1 Sledgehammer *2 R Mission - Reward
1 Nano Programming Interface R Shop
Basic Tools
1 Inactive OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots C Shops
Armour and Clothing Components
Pharmacy and Chemistry Components
*1 R = reuseable, c = consumed; *2 used for an additional process part,
to convert Enriched Notum Nuggets in Notum Fragments

The Notum parts drop quite often from Medusa and Martial-Artist Monsters.
The QL of the Notum needs to be 90% of the Inactive OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots QL and this again 90% of your Armorpart.

Armorpart = QL 200, Liquid = QL 180+, Notum = QL162+ fits
Armorpart = QL 200, Liquid = QL 190+, Notum = QL162+ don't fit

As the examples imply, the Inactive Liquid sets the QL of the Stabilized and Super-Stabilized, and the Armor sets the QL of the finished CAS

Tradeskill Process

The combination of items in Anarchy Online works as follows:

Open the tradeskill window (Shift + T). Here you can place the two items you want to combine in the left and middle part. The resulting Item will be shown in the right area. Missing skills, or non possible combinations will be shown below. A detailed look on the resulting item is possible with a simple shift-left-click on it. It is recommended to have free inventory space before combining items, else the item will end in the overflow window.

As mentioned previously the Enriched Notum Nuggets must to be converted to Notum Fragments before you can use them. To do so, you need a Sledgehammer that has at least 50% of the Enriched Notum Nugget QL.

Premium Sledgehammer of Doom + Enriched Notum Nugget = Notum Fragment Skills: Str
Sledgehammer Enriched Notum Nugget Notum Fragment QL x 3

Example for the CAS Symbiotic Armor Sleeves:

Nano Programming Interface + Inactive OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots = Activated OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots Skills: NP/CL
Nano Programming Interface Inactive OT
Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots
Activated OT
Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots
QL x 4/2,5
Notum Chip Notum Fragment + Activated OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots = Stabilized OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots Skills: NP/CH
Notum Chip/Fragment Activated OT
Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots
Stabilized OT
Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots
QL x 4/1
Notum Chip Notum Fragment + Stabilized OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots = Super-Stabilized OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots Skills: NP/CH
Notum Chip/Fragment Stabilized OT
Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots
Super-Stabilized OT
Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots
QL x 4/1
Super-Stabilized OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots + Flawless Organic Armor Sleeves = CAS Symbiotic Armor Sleeves Skills: NP/CH
Super-Stabilized OT
Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots
Flawless Organic Armor Sleeves CAS Symbiotic Armor Sleeves QL x 1/4,5