Lord Galahad Sanctuary Mission (Inferno Clan)

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Revision as of 02:17, 28 April 2022 by Anarchangel (talk | contribs)

Mission to kill 9 targets in Inferno, including Unredeemed Mordeth. Six are in the Unredeemed Temple, but the 1st is in the Unredeemed Barracks, and the 5th and 6th are in the Dark Marshes

Insignias mandatory to pop final Unredeemed boss :
Insignia of Lord Mordeth Insignia of Lord Mordeth × 6

This mission will still be running if you recently acquired the Garden key, but if it needs refreshing, head to Garden of Galahad (Inferno Clan Garden) to meet with Forrester Gal Zean, 372 × 411

Sword of Lord Mordeth Sword of Lord Mordeth
Sword of Sir Galahad Sword of Sir Galahad
MBS (maximum beneficial skill) on the Galahad used to be lower, and the drop rate higher; the MBS are now equal, so probably the drop rates are equal now also