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Revision as of 10:30, 1 July 2005 by old_Mummu (talk | contribs)
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Macros are Buttons for the Quickbar. The can either be created via dropping items on the Quickbar, Armor, First Aid Kits, Weapons, Specials or Nanos. Or wia typing commands in chat. The syntax to create command macros is:

"/macro <macro name> /<command to be executed>"

i.e. "/macro Attack /pet attack" = your Bot will try to attack your current target. "/macro 1Guard /pet "meatball" guard" = your pet named "meatball" will guard you. "/macro pulp /pulp" = will execute the emote /pulp "/macro watch_out /s Watch out! A %t!" = will result in the shout: "Watch out! A <name of your target>!"