Nanos from the Shadowlands

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Revision as of 07:52, 22 July 2018 by Psithief (talk | contribs)

Oudated-clock.png Warning! Some of these nano programs have been removed from the game. Please update this article.

In the Shadowlands there are Nano Crystal Shops in Every Garden...

In Unredeemed Gardens they are usually on the east outskirt of the gardens, Except from the Garden of Thrak which has the nano crystals in the same place as the Usual Vendors (Down the stairs just right from The Core statue exit).

In Redeemed Gardens have their nano vendors in a slightly different location. In Aban they are just north of where you zone in it (Go straight forwards and they are under the tree). For most of the other gardens they are on the edge of the garden, near some buildings, straight forward from where you zone in.

Adventurer Agent Bureaucrat Doctor Enforcer
Engineer Fixer Keeper Martial Artist Meta-Physicist
Nano Technician Shade Soldier Trader General


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Build Basic Spirit Tech Source Projector 5 39 39 Nascense
Cyclic Frost With Snow 10 61 61 Nascense (Hiathlins)
Build Twinked Basic Spirit Tech Source Projector 15 95 95 Nascense
Cyclic Jacket of Blades 17 96 96
Cyclic Enshroud with Barbs 24 130 130 Nascense (Hiathlins)
Cyclic Firefly's Fury 30 163 163
Build Yuttos Upgraded Spirit Tech Source Projector 40 236 236 Elysium Garden
Cyclic Cloak of Fire 40 196 196
Cyclic Sparking Touch 47 231 231
Cyclic Porcupine Barrier 57 273 273
A Clear Sense of Scheol*1 60 350 RK Advanced Vendor
Build Spirit Tech Source Fountain 65 395 395 Scheol Garden
Cyclic Fiery Wrap 66 316 316
Cyclic Skin of the Toad 73 355 355
Cyclic Arctic Gale 83 394 394
Build Upgraded Spirit Tech Source Fountain 85 527 527 Scheol Garden
Cyclic Guard of the Grizzly 90 433 433
Cyclic Nest of Vipers 99 479 479
A Clear View of Adonis*1 100 350 Adonis Geosurvey Dogs drop it
Build Boosted Spirit Tech Source Fountain 100 633 633
Cyclic Magma Coating 109 518 518
Cyclic Protection of the Storm 119 559 559
A Clear View of Penumbra 120 550 Penumbra Geosurvey Dogs drop it
Build Spirit Tech Source Drill 125 801 801 Adonis Garden
Cyclic Biting Blades 126 599 599
Cyclic Corrosive Barrier 132 622 622
Cyclic Fiery Vengeance 136 640 640
Cyclic Razor Barrier 139 656 656
Cyclic Interlocking Barbs 142 672 672
Cyclic Personal Blizzard 149 692 692
Build Spirit Tech Source Pump 150 888 888 Adonis Sanctuary
Knowledge of Inferno *1 150 850 Inferno Geosurvey Dogs drop it, also rollable in RK missions
Cyclic Lightning's Child 152 714 714
Cyclic Retaliatory Venom Spit 159 741 741
Cyclic Wings of the Phoenix 162 759 759
Cyclic Revenge of the Valkyrie 165 777 777
Cyclic Retribution of the Aesir 169 793 793
Grove Curator 180 1004 1004 1004 Inferno Garden
Lesser Slobber Wounds 195 1042 1042 Inferno Garden
Scale Repair 195 1042 1042 Inferno Garden
Build Spirit Tech Source Waterfall Projector 200 1052 1052 Inferno Garden
Knowledge of The End *1 200 1250 RK Dyna-Loot, rollable in RK missions around ql200
Calia's Morph: Wolf 201 1090 1090 1089 Inferno Sanctuary
Calia's Morph Sabretooth 203 1160 1160 1159 Inferno Sanctuary
Grove Custodian 205 1230 1230 1227 Inferno Sanctuary
Lifecure 205 1229 1229 Inferno Garden
Inferno Sanctuary
Calia's Morph: Pit Lizard 207 1300 1300 1297 Inferno Sanctuary
Scale Regrowth 207 1300 1300 Inferno Sanctuary
Slobber Wounds 207 1300 1300 Inferno Sanctuary
Supreme Lick Wounds 207 1300 1300 Inferno Sanctuary
Light of Life 209 1369 1369 Inferno Garden
Inferno Sanctuary
Grove Guardian 211 1440 1440 1435 Pandemonium
Calia's Anatomy: Sabretooth 212 1475 1475 1469 Pandemonium
Beauty of Life 213 1510 1510 Pandemonium
Greater Slobber Wounds 214 1545 1545 Pandemonium
Peerless Lick Wounds 214 1545 1545 Pandemonium
Scale Renewal 214 1545 1545 Pandemonium
Grove Warden 216 1615 1615 1607 Pandemonium
Calia's Anatomy: Wolf 218 1685 1685 1676 Pandemonium
Calia's Figure: Sabretooth 219 1720 1720 1711 Pandemonium
Build Spirit Tech Source Geyser 220 1720 1720 Pandemonium
Calia's Anatomy: Pit Lizard 220 1755 1755 1745 Pandemonium
Flawless Lick Wounds 220 1755 1755 Pandemonium
Scale Regeneration 220 1755 1755 Pandemonium
Superior Slobber Wounds 220 1755 1755 Pandemonium

*1 = These Nanos require Adventuring skill same height as SI


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Waves of Anger 25 175 175 152 Elysium Garden/
Nascense Malah-Anas
Anger Shock 50 320 320 292 Elysium Sanctuary
Bail Out 60 361 361 Scheol Garden
Blast of Avoidance 75 515 515 463 Scheol Garden
Waves of Jarring 100 688 688 633 Adonis Garden
Jarring Shock 125 886 886 801 Adonis Sanctuary
Break Out 135 839 839 Adonis Sanctuary
Blast of Neglect 150 970 970 888 Penumbra Garden
Waves of Numbing 170 1042 1042 962 Penumbra Sanctuary
Numbing Shock 180 1087 1087 1004 Inferno Garden
Burst Out 185 1017 1017 Inferno Garden
Relieve Stress 190 1029 Inferno Garden
Waves of Illness 195 1135 1135 1042 Inferno Garden
Blast of Circumvention 200 1151 1151 1055 Inferno Sanctuary
Sickening Shock 201 1196 1196 1089 Inferno Sanctuary
Waves of Sickening 203 1286 1285 1159 Inferno Sanctuary
Make Off 205 1229 1227 Inferno Sanctuary
Renounce Anger 205 1229 Inferno Sanctuary
Blast of Ommitance 207 1466 1464 1297 Inferno Sanctuary
Slip Away 210 1403 1400 Inferno Sanctuary
Waves of Unsettling 211 1646 1643 1435 Pandemonium
Unsettling Shock 212 1691 1688 1469 Pandemonium
Ignore Past Actions 213 1507 Pandemonium
Blast of Rejection 214 1781 1777 1538 Pandemonium
Waves of Harm 215 1826 1822 1573 Pandemonium
Absolve Guilt 216 1611 Pandemonium
Fade From Memory 217 1646 Pandemonium
Disappear 218 1681 1676 Pandemonium
Waves of Trauma 218 1961 1957 1676 Pandemonium
Harm Shock 219 2006 2001 1711 Pandemonium
Blast of Outflanking 220 2051 2046 1745 Pandemonium


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Team Empowered Temporary Glamor 17 109 109 109 Nascense
Puissant Momentary Daze 23 162 141 Nascense
Team Empowered Bend Will 24 167 167 167 Nascense
Empowered Distracted Gaze 26 181 181 Elysium Garden
Gallant Slave: The Enraged Slave 30 205 205 165
Team Empowered Dominate Psyche 31 229 229 229 Elysium Garden
Team Empowered Solicit Support 39 304 304 304 Elysium Garden
Team Empowered Allure of Servitude 42 633 633 633
Gallant Slave: The Infuriated Thrall 50 390 390 305
Team Empowered Impose Will 50 402 402 402 Elysium Sanctuary
Puissant Restrict Movement 54 351 318 Elysium Sanctuary
Empowered Anger Addlement 64 434 434 Scheol Garden
Gallant Slave: The Aggravated Serf 80 490 490 435
Team Empowered Insidious Beguilement 81 711 711 711 Scheol Sanctuary
Empowered Sleep 85 571 571 Scheol Sanctuary
Team Empowered Inveigle Support 93 751 751 751 Scheol Sanctuary
Gallant Slave: The Indignant Peon 100 620 620 570
Team Empowered Captivated Thoughts 100 506 506 506
Puissant Illusionary Paralysis 102 702 646 Adonis Garden
Gallant Slave: The Angry Drudge 110 760 760 700
Empowered Demotivate 123 870 870 Adonis Sanctuary
Gallant Slave: The Irate Chattel 135 975 975 890 Adonis Sanctuary
Malaise of Motivation 140 938 938 Adonis Sanctuary
Team Empowered Total Mental Domination 150 827 827 827 Penumbra Garden
Puissant Musculature Command 151 972 890 Penumbra Garden
Empowered Cubicle Dweller 170 1042 1042 Penumbra Sanctuary
Gallant Slave: The Incensed Subordinate 170 1050 1050 975 Penumbra Sanctuary
Malaise of Emotion 171 1046 1046 Penumbra Garden
Team Empowered Voice of Truth 180 1000 1000 1000 Inferno Garden
The Voice of Truth 180 1000 1000 1000 Inferno Garden
Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal 190 910 910 825
Puissant Inhibit Motion 190 1119 1029 Inferno Garden
My Way 190 1200 1200 1200
Peer Pressure 190 1300 1300 1300 Inferno Garden
Empowered Introspective Engagement 193 1128 1128 Inferno Garden
Malaise of Desire 198 1145 1145 Penumbra Sanctuary
The Voice of God 200 1500 1500 1500 Inferno Sanctuary
The Voice of One 200 1500 1500 1500 Inferno Sanctuary
Empowered Wandering Mind 203 1285 1285 Inferno Sanctuary
Malaise of Passion 204 1330 1329 Inferno Garden
Inferno Sanctuary
Corporate Guardian 205 1229 1227 Inferno Sanctuary
Gallant Slave: The Vengeful Toiler 205 1150 1150 1050 Inferno Sanctuary
Puissant Captivating Speech 205 1375 1227 Inferno Sanctuary
Empowered Disjointed From Reality 209 1554 1551 Inferno Sanctuary
Empowered Contemplation 212 1688 1685 Pandemonium
Puissant Total Muscular Command 214 1777 1538 Pandemonium
Empowered Chaotic Mind 215 1822 1819 Pandemonium
Malaise of Fervor 215 1822 1819 Pandemonium
Puissant Void Inertia 217 1912 1641 Pandemonium
Empowered Divided Ego 219 2001 1997 Pandemonium


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Mutagenic Venom 100 688 633 Adonis Garden
Mutagenic Contamination 170 1042 962 Penumbra Sanctuary
Cellular Recuperation 180 1087 1087 Inferno Garden
Mutagenic Catalyser 195 1135 1042 Inferno Garden
Assauge Pain 201 1196 1196 Inferno Garden
Viral Neurotoxin 203 1286 1159 Inferno Sanctuary
Touch of Kindness 205 1376 1376 Inferno Sanctuary
Entropic Sores 207 1466 1298 Inferno Sanctuary
Restorative Influx 209 1556 1556 Inferno Sanctuary
Mutagenic Contagion 211 1646 1437 Pandemonium
Revivification 212 1691 1691 Pandemonium
Corrupting Ooze 213 1736 1507 Pandemonium
Blessing of Purity 214 1781 1781 Pandemonium
Flesh Eater 215 1916 1646 Pandemonium
Renewal of Being 216 1871 1871 Pandemonium
Mutagenic Pestilence 217 1916 1646 Pandemonium
Cellular Rebirth 218 1961 1961 Pandemonium
Scythe Omega Virus 219 2006 1715 Pandemonium
Bodily Invigoration 220 2051 2051 Pandemonium


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Element of Flame 52 278 278 Elysium Sanctuary/
Nascense Malah-Anas
Fearbringer 77 439 439 Scheol Garden
Spite 125 753 Adonis Sanctuary
Element of Ice 149 818 818 Penumbra Garden
Irebringer 171 884 884 Penumbra Sanctuary
Impart Resentment 190 940 Inferno Garden
Element of Corrosion 194 948 948 Inferno Garden
Wrathbringer 200 960 960 Inferno Sanctuary
Mongo's Gargantua 201 985 985 Inferno Sanctuary
Belligerent Stance 203 1034 Inferno Sanctuary
Hatebringer 207 1135 1133 Inferno Sanctuary
Mongo's Mighty Colossus 209 1185 1183 Inferno Sanctuary
Rancorous Enmity 211 1232 Pandemonium
Element of Poison 213 1285 1282 Pandemonium
Ragebringer 214 1310 1306 Pandemonium
Mongo's Mega Leviathan 215 1335 1331 Pandemonium
Element of Malice 216 1356 Pandemonium
Element of Radiation 218 1410 1406 Pandemonium
Dreadbringer 219 1435 1430 Pandemonium
Mongo's Ultra Behemoth 220 1460 1455 Pandemonium


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Empowered Partial Harmonic Cocoon 28 194 194 Elysium Garden
Empowered Minor Harmonic Cocoon 62 417 417 Scheol Garden
Electrical Engineering Knowledge 76 469 469 Scheol Garden
Field Quantum Physics Knowledge 79 489 489 Scheol Garden
Initiate Shadowland Recall 80 543 543 Scheol Sanctuary
Shadowland Anchor 80 543 543 Scheol Sanctuary
Mechanical Engineering Knowledge 82 508 508 Scheol Sanctuary
Pharmaceuticals Knowledge 85 527 527 Scheol Sanctuary
Weapon Smithing Knowledge 88 546 546 Scheol Sanctuary
Empowered Lesser Harmonic Cocoon 89 596 596 Scheol Sanctuary
Predator M-30 100 688 688 Scheol Garden
Empowered Harmonic Cocoon 122 862 862 Adonis Sanctuary
Isochronal Sloughing Protective Barrier 128 897 897 Adonis Sanctuary
Eletrical Engineering Mastery 129 818 818 Adonis Sanctuary
Field Quantum Physics Mastery 131 826 826 Adonis Sanctuary
Mechanical Engineering Mastery 135 839 839 Adonis Sanctuary
Pharmaceuticals Mastery 137 845 845 Adonis Sanctuary
Weapon Smithing Mastery 140 855 855 Penumbra Garden
Empowered Greater Harmonic Cocoon 154 981 981 Penumbra Garden
Upgraded Predator M-30 180 1087 1087 Adonis Garden
Assurance Advocacy 185 1103 1103 Inferno Garden
Empowered Reactive Harmonic Cocoon 185 1103 1103 Inferno Garden
Impel Shadowland Recall 190 1119 1119 Inferno Garden
Shadowland Safeguard 190 1118 1118 Inferno Garden
Synchronized Energy Spike 190 1119 1119 Inferno Garden
Isochronal Sloughing Defensive Shield 196 1138 1138 Inferno Garden
Assurance Attention 201 1196 1196 Inferno Sanctuary
Slayerdroid Annihilator 201 1196 1195 Adonis Garden
Advanced Predator M-30 203 1285 1285 Adonis Sanctuary
Devastator Drone 205 1375 1373 Penumbra
Semi-Sentient Predator M-30 207 1464 1463 Penumbra Garden
Battlefield Devastator Drone 209 1554 1551 Penumbra Sanctuary
Assurance Relief 210 1601 1599 Inferno Sanctuary
Military-Grade Predator M-30 211 1643 1641 Inferno Garden
Isochronal Sloughing Combat Field 212 1688 1685 Inferno Garden
Fieldsweeper Devastator Drone 213 1733 1729 Inferno Garden
Synchronized Capacitor Overload 214 1777 1774 Pandemonium
Marauder M-45 215 1822 1819 Inferno Sanctuary
Desolator Assault Drone 217 1912 1907 Inferno Sanctuary
Isochronal Sloughing Assault Shield 218 1957 1952 Pandemonium
Military-Grade Marauder M-45 219 2001 1997 Pandemonium
Gift of Assurance 220 2051 2046 Pandemonium
Widowmaker Battle Drone 220 2046 2041 Pandemonium


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK I 25 152 138 138 Elysium Garden
Tap Notum Vein: Nascence 25 152 152 152 Elysium Garden
Intense Micro Entanglement 26 142 158 Elysium Garden
Shadow Step 50 248 292 Elysium Sanctuary/
Nascense Malah-Anas
Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK II 75 463 400 400 Elysium Sanctuary
Intense Nano Net 77 410 476 Elysium Sanctuary
Tap Notum Vein: Elysium 80 496 496 496 Scheol Sanctuary oder RK Advanced Shop
Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK III 103 653 551 551 Adonis Garden
Shadow Trail 120 651 767 RK Superior Shop
Tap Notum Vein: Scheol 120 767 767 767 Adonis Sanctuary
Slip of Accident 125 729 729 Adonis Sanctuary
Intense Personal Entanglement 127 689 809 Adonis Sanctuary
Tap Notum Vein: Adonis 145 872 872 872 Penumbra Garden
Intense Gravity Bindings 153 783 897 Penumbra Garden
Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK IV 153 897 783 783 Penumbra Garden
Tap Notum Vein: Penumbra 165 940 940 940 Penumbra Sanctuary
Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK V 170 962 848 848 Penumbra Sanctuary
Path of Shadow 174 861 980 Penumbra Sanctuary
Slip of Idea 175 984 984 Penumbra Sanctuary
Intense Targetted Nanoweb 199 927 1052 Inferno Garden
Tap Notum Vein: Inferno 200 1055 1055 1055 Inferno Sanctuary
Slip of Intent 201 1090 1089 Inferno Sanctuary
Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK VI 201 1090 954 954 Inferno Sanctuary
Lasting Life 205 1230 1055 1052 Inferno Garden
Inferno Sanctuary
Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK VII 205 1230 1055 1052 Inferno Sanctuary
Touched With Shadow 205 1052 1227 Inferno Sanctuary
Intense Nano Bindings 207 1102 1297 Inferno Sanctuary
Life Bond 208 1335 1130 1126 Inferno Garden
Inferno Sanctuary
Slip of Will 209 1368 1365 Inferno Sanctuary
Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK VIII 209 1370 1155 1150 Inferno Sanctuary
Lasting Ultimatum 211 1510 1255 1248 Inferno Garden
Inferno Sanctuary
Blessed By Shadow 213 1248 1503 Pandemonium
Intense Agglutinative Nanoweb 214 1273 1538 Pandemonium
Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK IX 215 1580 1305 1298 Pandemonium
Slip of Mind 216 1715 1711 Pandemonium
Energize Rubi-Ka Grid Tunnel 220 1755 1420
Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK X 220 1755 1430 1420 Pandemonium


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Ambient Restoration 1 15 15
Keeper's Edge 1 5 5 Startnano
Tone of Clarity 2 20 20
Vengeance of the Loyal 8 51 51
Fervor of the Henchman 14 82 82
Impartiality of the Blade 20 114 114
Sanctifier 20 114 131
Tone of Accord 24 134 134
Ambient Alleviation 26 144 144
Defender's Poise 27 149 149
Imminence of Scrimmage 31 170 170
Vengeance of the Steadfast 35 190 190
Ward 39 210 210 Elysium Garden
Sidestep 40 215 215
Enervate Bonds 41 220 220
Decision Maker 48 255 255
Fury 50 266 291
Transfuse Vigor 55 297 297
Fervor of the Devotee 57 309 309
Tone of Purity 58 316 316
Warden's Resolve 60 329 329
Ambient Rehabilitation 61 335 335
Honored Sanctifier 62 341 380
Imminence of Conflict 64 353 353
Barrier of the Loyal 66 366 366
Enervate Constraints 71 397 397
Vengeance of the Resolute 72 403 403
Reaper 75 463 515 Scheol Garden
Benevolent Ward 76 427 427 Scheol Garden
Quicken Reflexes 80 451 451
210303Judgement Bringer 83 468 468
Exalted Sanctifier 84 474 514
Imminence of Battle 87 491 491
Barrier of the Staunch 88 497 497
Tone of Tranquility 92 522 522
Ambient Rejuvenation 94 536 536
Fervor of the Minion 97 556 556
Barrier of the Devoted 105 606 606
Enervate Impediments 109 630 630
Guardian's Balance 112 649 649
Vengeance of the Virtuous 115 669 669
A Keeper's Physique 116 674 674
Imminence of Havoc 118 686 686
The Adjudicator's Blade 119 692 692
Glorious Sanctifier 124 722 798
Tone of Harmony 126 732 732
Havoc Reaper 127 809 894 Adonis Sanctuary
Ambient Convalescence 129 744 744
Barrier of the Veracious 131 751 751
Guardian Ward 134 760 760 Adonis Sanctuary
Sharpen Instincts 135 763 763
Enervate Shackles 141 781 781
Fervor of the Disciple 144 790 790
Imminence of Warfare 146 802 802
Tone of Rapport 151 810 810
Grace of the Samurai 155 822 822
Ambient Regeneration 156 824 824
Vengeance of the Blessed 159 833 833 Penumbra Garden
Enervate Bindings 162 843 843
Venerated Sanctifier 163 847 919
Finality's Edge 164 851 851
Barrier of the Resolute 166 859 859
Carnage Reaper 168 953 1032 Penumbra Sanctuary
Guardian of Might 170 875 875
Fervor of the Fanatic 171 879 879
Tone of Benevolence 175 895 895
Ambient Amelioration 177 902 902
Imminence of Bloodshed 183 920 920 Inferno Garden
Ambient Revitalization 187 929 929
Elude Pain 190 936 936
Vengeance of the Holy 192 940 940 Inferno Garden
Tone of Unity 193 943 943
Enervate Imprisonment 194 945 945
Fervor of the Zealot 196 950 950
Reverential Sanctifier 197 952 1038
Barrier of the Righteous 198 955 955
Discipline of the Vindicator 199 957 957
Sentinel Ward 199 957 957 Inferno Garden
Colossus of Swords 200 960 960
Crusader Reaper 200 1055 1151 Inferno Sanctuary
Imminence of Slaughter 201 1090 1090 Inferno Sanctuary
Vengeance of the Pure 203 1159 1159
Tone of Serenity 205 1230 1229 Inferno Sanctuary
Ambient Renaissance 207 1300 1298 Inferno Sanctuary
Fanatic Reaper 209 1370 1551 Inferno Sanctuary
Pious Sanctifier 211 1440 1641 Pandemonium
Imminence of Carnage 213 1510 1507
Vengeance of the Immaculate 214 1545 1541
Tone of Bliss 215 1580 1576 Pandemonium
Ambient Invigoration 216 1615 1611 Pandemonium
Evangelical Reaper 217 1650 1907 Pandemonium
Sainted Sanctifier 218 1685 1952 Pandemonium
Warden Ward 219 1720 1715 Pandemonium
Divine Sanctifier 220 1755 2041 Pandemonium

Martial Artist

Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Fake Out 47 274 274 Elysium Sanctuary/
Nascense Malah-Anas
Rumble of Distant Thunder 77 476 476 Scheol Garden
Aegis of Stone 103 653 653 Adonis Garden
Misleading conduct 128 813 813 Adonis Sanctuary
Petals on Water 152 894 894 Penumbra Garden
Ward Blow 181 1006 1006 Inferno Garden
Dragon Stance 191 1031 1031 Inferno Garden
Aegis of Metal 198 1050 1050 Inferno Garden
Smell of Approaching Rain 203 1160 1159 Inferno Sanctuary
Flourishing Heal 204 1195 1195 Inferno Garden
Inferno Sanctuary
Shuffle Step 205 1230 1227 Inferno Sanctuary
Grace of the Emperor Crane 209 1370 1365 Inferno Sanctuary
Soul of Rubi 209 1370 1370 Inferno Garden
Inferno Sanctuary
Peaceful Midnight Sky 213 1510 1503 Pandemonium
Elude Step 214 1545 1538 Pandemonium
Ripples on the Calm Pond 216 1615 1607 Pandemonium
Aegis of Notum 217 1650 1641 Pandemonium
Autumn Leaves 219 1720 1711 Pandemonium
Stutter Step 220 1755 1745 Pandemonium


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Boon of Ergo - Aban-Shere 25 200 200 Elysium Garden
Composite Teachings 25 152 152 Elysium Garden/
Nascense Malah-Anas
Boon of Ergo - Ocra-Bhotaar 50 300 300
Composite Mastery 50 292 292 Elysium Sanctuary
Boon of Ergo - Ocra-Thar 75 400 400
Channel Notum Vein: Elysium 85 571 527 527
Channel Notum Vein: Scheol 86 577 533 533
Channel Notum Vein: Adonis 87 584 540 540
Boon of Ergo - Ocra-Roch 100 500 500
Composite Infuse With Knowledge 100 633 633 Adonis Garden
Boon of Ergo - Ocra-Xum 115 600 600
Boon of Ergo - Ocra-Shere 130 700 700
Boon of Ergo - Enel-Bhotaar 140 800 800
Awaken Shadowland Soul Memory 150 970 970 Penumbra Garden
Distortion of Will 150 970 888 Penumbra Garden
Shadowland Soul Fetter 150 970 970 Penumbra Garden
Distortion of Resolve 151 972 890 Penumbra Garden
Boon of Ergo - Enel-Thar 160 1000 1000
Summon Biazu the Vile 170 1042 1042 Penumbra Sanctuary
Boon of Ergo - Enel-Roch 180 1200 1200 Elysium Garden
Corruption of Will 180 1087 1004 Inferno Garden
Corruption of Resolve 181 1090 1006 Inferno Garden
Composite Mochams (1 hour) 190 1029 1029 Inferno Garden
Summon Urolok the Rotten 195 1135 1135 Inferno Garden
Boon of Ergo - Enel-Xum 200 1500 1500
Degredation of Resolve 200 1151 1055 Inferno Sanctuary
Degredation of Will 200 1151 1055 Inferno Sanctuary
Summon Ettu the Cursed 201 1196 1195 Inferno Sanctuary
Perversion of Resolve 203 1286 1159 Inferno Sanctuary
Perversion of Will 203 1286 1159 Inferno Sanctuary
Composite Mochams (2 hours) 205 1229 1227 Pandemonium
Calling of Mortificant the Eternal 207 1466 1463 Inferno Sanctuary
Debasement of Resolve 211 1646 1437 Pandemonium
Debasement of Will 211 1646 1437 Pandemonium
Summon Zhok the Abomination 212 1688 1685 Pandemonium
Taint of Resolve 214 1781 1541 Pandemonium
Taint of Will 214 1781 1541 Pandemonium
Composite Mochams (4 hours) 215 1576 1573 Pandemonium
Defilement of Resolve 218 1961 1681 Pandemonium
Defilement of Will 218 1961 1681 Pandemonium
Composite Mochams (8 hours) 219 1715 1711 Pandemonium
Desecration of Resolve 220 2051 1750 Pandemonium
Desecration of Will 220 2051 1750 Pandemonium
Summon The Rihwen 220 2045 2040 Biodome-Loot

Nano Technician

Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Neuronal Stimulator 28 194 194 Elysium Garden
Spark Shower 50 320 Elysium Sanctuary
Chilled Touch 55 360 Elysium Sanctuary
Caring Needle 60 401 Scheol Garden
Astinus's Stellar Pulse 75 515 Scheol Garden
Vital Corruptor 75 515 Scheol Garden
Ziana's Energy Wave 83 559 Scheol Sanctuary
Positronic Fluctuation 84 565 Scheol Sanctuary
Conator's Collapsing Hadron String 93 626 Scheol Sanctuary
Ariu's Neutron Annihilator 95 644 Scheol Sanctuary
Blood of Hephaestos 100 688 Adonis Garden
Combustive Envelopment 102 702 Adonis Garden
Searing Dioxin Shower 111 774 Adonis Garden
The Spider's Secret 120 846 Adonis Sanctuary
Enfraam's Blistering Blast 125 886 Adonis Sanctuary
Acidic Droplets 129 901 Adonis Sanctuary
Pestilential Stream 137 928 Adonis Sanctuary
Slithering Flames 138 931 Adonis Sanctuary
Chilling Presence 147 960 Penumbra Garden
Enfraam's Glacial Encasement 149 966 Penumbra Garden
Enfraam's Cortex Accelerator 150 970 970 Penumbra Garden
Entropy's Advance 156 986 Penumbra Garden
Biomolecular Corrosion 161 1003 Penumbra Sanctuary
Touch of the Pyre 173 1054 Penumbra Sanctuary
Enfraam's Perceiver 180 989 989 Penumbra Sanctuary
Enfraam's Ultimate Destroyer 185 1103 Inferno Garden
Implacability of the Second Law 197 1141 Inferno Garden
Izgimmer's Frosty Welcome 201 1196 Inferno Sanctuary
Optimized Perceiver 201 1196 1196 Inferno Garden
Inferno Sanctuary
Izgimmer's Hippocampal Augmentor 202 1241 1241 Inferno Sanctuary
Izgimmer's Celestial Fury 203 1285 Inferno Sanctuary
Izgimmer's Infinite Slicer 205 1375 Inferno Sanctuary
Izgimmer's Interstellar Chill 207 1464 Inferno Sanctuary
Izgimmer's Positronic Annihilation 209 1554 Inferno Sanctuary
Enfraam's Perception Deciever 211 1643 1641 Pandemonium
Izgimmer's Defilement of Being 211 1643 Pandemonium
Izgimmer's Celestial Implosion 212 1688 Pandemonium
Izgimmer's Contagion 213 1733 Pandemonium
Izgimmer's Quasar Flicker 214 1777 Pandemonium
Izgimmer's Corrosive Tear 215 1822 Pandemonium
Izgimmer's Inferno 216 1867 Pandemonium
Izgimmer's Malignant Declaration 217 1912 Pandemonium
Izgimmer's Gelid Caress 218 1957 Pandemonium
Izgimmer's Cataclysm 219 2001 Pandemonium
Izgimmer's Ultimatum 220 2046 Pandemonium


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Whetstone Effect 1 5 5
Ritualistic Touch 4 32 38 32
Slap of the Zombie 5 41 36
Dual Defender 14 96 82
Ritualistic Blow 17 106 124 106
Sharpen Dagger 19 125 108
Rudimentary Dissipation 21 130 149 130
Footpad Apprentice 22 142 124
Knock of the Poltergeist 29 183 159
Ritualistic Grasp 34 203 229 203 Elysium Garden/
Nascense Malah-Anas
Sneak 36 219 195
Degeneration of Rapidity 38 225 251 225 Elysium Garden/
Nascense Malah-Anas
Quintessence of Incapacitation 43 252 279 252 Elysium Sanctuary/
Nascense Malah-Anas
Double Cover 44 259 235
Piercing Tooth 49 285 260
Ritualistic Caress 52 305 335 305 Elysium Sanctuary
Primitive Dissipation 61 368 409 368 Scheol Garden
Silent Dagger 66 411 366
Kick of the Phantom 71 448 397
Degeneration of Alacrity 77 476 526 476 Scheol Garden
Ritualistic Embrace 80 496 543 496 Scheol Sanctuary
Mugger 82 504 462
Piercing Gash 87 531 491
Twice the Shield 97 602 556
Sacrificial Touch 102 646 702 646 Adonis Garden
Hand of the Shadow 106 667 612
Dagger in the Back 108 682 624
Intrinsic Dissipation 110 700 766 700 Adonis Garden
Quintessence of Paralyzation 111 707 774 707 Adonis Garden
Probe of Death 122 784 710
Degeneration of Legerity 131 826 909 826 Adonis Sanctuary
Scrounger 135 839 763
Sacrificial Blow 138 849 931 849 Adonis Sanctuary
Touch of the Specter 143 862 787
Double Fence 148 876 802
Backpiercer 154 892 819
Elemental Dissipation 162 927 1007 927 Penumbra Sanctuary
Master Piercer 163 918 846
Sacrificial Grasp 165 940 1019 940 Penumbra Sanctuary
Voice of the Banshee 174 963 891
Shuffle of the Rogue 180 989 913
Sacrificial Caress 183 1011 1096 1011 Inferno Garden
Prowler 188 1012 931
Degeneration of Celerity 190 1029 1119 1029 Inferno Garden
Duplex Wall 195 1032 948
Backstabber 196 1035 950
Primordial Dissipation 196 1044 1138 1044
Quintessence of Petrification 197 1047 1141 1047 Inferno Garden
Puncture of the Tarasque 198 1040 954
Sacrificial Embrace 199 1052 1148 1052 Inferno Garden
Kiss of the Vampire 200 1047 960
Depravation of Alacrity 201 1090 1196 1089 Inferno Sanctuary
Ceremonial Grasp 203 1160 1285 1159 Inferno Sanctuary
Quintessence of Transfixion 207 1300 1464 1297 Inferno Sanctuary
Primal Dissipation 209 1370 1554 1365 Inferno Sanctuary
Ceremonial Caress 212 1475 1688 1469 Pandemonium
Depravation of Legerity 214 1545 1777 1538 Pandemonium
Chthonic Dissipation 216 1615 1867 1607 Pandemonium
Ceremonial Embrace 218 1685 1957 1676
Degeneration of Haste 219 1550 1801 1540 Pandemonium
Quintessence of Stupefication 220 1755 2046 1745 Pandemonium


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Empowered Partial Deflection Shield 5 38 37 Nascense
Minor Insult 15 95 Nascense
Empowered Minor Deflection Shield 18 106 103 Nascense
Intensify fight (Team) 26 158 150 Elysium Garden
Empowered Lesser Deflection Shield 32 181 172 Elysium Garden
Artillery Fire 38 225 225 Elysium Garden
Empowered Deflection Shield 45 241 227 Elysium Sanctuary
Lesser Insult 45 263 Elysium Sanctuary
Deepen fight (Team) 53 312 284 Elysium Sanctuary/
Nascense Malah-Anas
Empowered Greater Deflection Shield 63 353 328 Scheol Garden
Empowered Major Deflection Shield 77 439 410 Scheol Garden
Bypass me 77 476 Scheol Garden
Casual Insult 80 496 Scheol Sanctuary
Empowered Reactive Deflection Shield 91 521 483 Scheol Sanctuary
Empowered Partial Reflective Field 106 625 568 Adonis Garden
Heighten fight (Team) 108 686 639 Adonis Garden
Empowered Minor Reflective Field 122 731 664 Adonis Sanctuary
Canonry Fire 123 787 787 Adonis Sanctuary
Obvious Victim 126 805 Adonis Sanctuary
Annoying Insult 130 822 Adonis Sanctuary
Empowered Lesser Reflective Field 133 776 708 Adonis Sanctuary
Empowered Reflective Field 148 816 762 Penumbra Garden
Circumvent me 153 897 Penumbra Garden
Empowered Greater Reflective Field 164 861 824 Penumbra Sanctuary
Aggressive Insult 170 962 Penumbra Sanctuary
Boost Fight (Team) 171 966 884 Penumbra Sanctuary
Empowered Major Reflective Field 178 906 872 Penumbra Sanctuary
Augmented Mirror Shield MK I 181 915 881 Inferno Garden
Clear Victim 190 1029 Inferno Garden
Empowered Reactive Reflective Field 192 943 908 Inferno Garden
Elude me 195 1042 Inferno Garden
Battery Fire 197 1047 1047 Inferno Garden
Reinforce fight (Team) 200 1055 960 Inferno Sanctuary
Disruptive Insult 201 1090 Inferno Sanctuary
Harmonizing Resonance Field 201 985 954 Inferno Sanctuary
Augmented Mirror Shield MK II 203 1034 1004 Inferno Sanctuary
Distinct Victim 205 1229 Inferno Sanctuary
Reactive Resonance Field 207 1133 1102 Inferno Sanctuary
Keep clear of me 207 1298 Inferno Sanctuary
Augment fight (Team) 209 1370 1183 Inferno Sanctuary
Intrusive Insult 209 1368 Inferno Sanctuary
Undeniable Victim 211 1437 Pandemonium
Adaptive Resonance Field 212 1257 1224 Pandemonium
Augmented Mirror Shield MK III 213 1282 1248 Pandemonium
Shake off me 214 1541 Pandemonium
Unmistakable Victim 215 1576 Pandemonium
Gazump fight (Team) 217 1650 1381 Pandemonium
Desist me 219 1715 Pandemonium
Offensive Insult 219 1715 Pandemonium
Augmented Mirror Shield MK IV 220 1455 1420 Pandemonium
Pre-Nullity Sphere 220 1455 1420 Pandemonium


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Refresh Outfit (Team) 25 152 152 Elysium Garden/
Nascense Malah-Anas
Umbral Wrangler (Patchy) 25 152 152 Elysium Garden
Blackmail Notum 50 292 292 Elysium Sanctuary
Umbral Wrangler (Minor) 55 326 326 Elysium Garden
Elysium Sanctuary
Umbral Wrangler (Commonplace) 80 496 496 Scheol Sanctuary
Cleanse Outfit (Team) 100 633 633 Adonis Garden
Umbral Wrangler (Lesser) 105 666 666 Adonis Garden
Cheat Notum 125 801 801 Adonis Sanctuary
Umbral Wrangler 127 809 809 Adonis Sanctuary
Blunt Defense 132 829 829 Adonis Sanctuary
Cripple Defense 132 829 829 Adonis Sanctuary
Umbral Wrangler (Major) 149 885 885 Penumbra Sanctuary
Enliven Outfit (Team) 150 888 888 Penumbra Garden
Abolish Aluminium 166 944 944 Penumbra Sanctuary
Snitch Notum 170 962 962 Penumbra Sanctuary
Umbral Wrangler (Advanced) 170 962 962 Penumbra Sanctuary
Umbral Wrangler (Superior) 189 1026 1026 Inferno Garden
Debilitate Defense 191 1031 1031 Inferno Garden
Disable Defense 191 1031 1031 Inferno Garden
Abolish Gallium 196 1044 1044 Inferno Garden
Umbral Wrangler (Greater) 199 1052 1052 Inferno Sanctuary
Invigorate Outfit (Team) 200 1055 1055 Inferno Sanctuary
Strip Notum 201 1090 1089 Inferno Sanctuary
Abolish Tin 203 1159 1160 Inferno Sanctuary
Emasculate Defense 203 1159 1159 Inferno Sanctuary
Enfeeble Defense 203 1159 1159 Inferno Sanctuary
Umbral Wrangler (Exceptional) 204 1194 1194 Inferno Sanctuary
Supreme Health Haggler 206 1265 1262 Inferno Garden
Inferno Sanctuary
Purify Outfit (Team) 207 1300 1297 Inferno Sanctuary
Cosmic Relaxation 208 1368 1365 Inferno Garden
Inferno Sanctuary
Swindle Notum 209 1368 1365 Inferno Sanctuary
Exhaust Defense 211 1437 1435 Pandemonium
Undermine Defense 211 1437 1435 Pandemonium
Abolish Thallium 212 1472 1475 Pandemonium
Restore Outfit (Team) 213 1510 1503 Pandemonium
Despoil Notum 214 1541 1538 Pandemonium
Mar Defense 215 1576 1573 Pandemonium
Weaken Defense 215 1576 1573 Pandemonium
Abolish Bismuth 216 1611 1615 Pandemonium
Rouse Outfit (Team) 217 1650 1641 Pandemonium
Umbral Wrangler (Premium) 217 1646 1650 Pandemonium
Plagiarize Notum 218 1681 1676 Pandemonium
Attenuate Defense 219 1715 1711 Pandemonium
Eviscerate Defense 219 1715 1711 Pandemonium
Abolish Polonium 220 1750 1755 Pandemonium


Name QL MM BM PM MC TS SI Garden
Composite Attribute Boost (1 hour) 25 145 145 Elysium Garden
RK Generic Nano Vendor
Composite Melee Expertise (1 hour) 25 145 145 Elysium Garden
RK Generic Nano Vendor
Composite Nano Expertise (1 hour) 25 145 145 Elysium Garden
RK Generic Nano Vendor
Composite Physical Special Expertise (1 hour) 25 145 145 Elysium Garden
RK Generic Nano Vendor
Composite Ranged Expertise (1 hour) 25 145 145 Elysium Garden
RK Generic Nano Vendor
Composite Ranged Special Expertise (1 hour) 25 145 145 Elysium Garden
RK Generic Nano Vendor
Composite Attribute Boost (2 hours) 125 753 753 Adonis Sanctuary
Composite Melee Expertise (2 hours) 125 753 753 Adonis Sanctuary
Composite Nano Expertise (2 hours) 125 753 753 Adonis Sanctuary
Composite Physical Special Expertise (2 hours) 125 753 753 Adonis Sanctuary
Composite Ranged Expertise (2 hours) 125 753 753 Adonis Sanctuary
Composite Ranged Special Expertise (2 hours) 125 753 753 Adonis Sanctuary
Composite Attribute Boost (4 hours) 201 985 984 Inferno Sanctuary
Composite Melee Expertise (4 hours) 201 985 984 Inferno Sanctuary
Composite Nano Expertise (4 hours) 201 985 984 Inferno Sanctuary
Composite Physical Special Expertise (4 hours) 201 985 984 Inferno Sanctuary
Composite Ranged Expertise (4 hours) 201 985 984 Inferno Sanctuary
Composite Ranged Special Expertise (4 hours) 201 985 984 Inferno Sanctuary
Composite Attribute Boost (8 hours) 211 1232 1230 Pandemonium
Composite Melee Expertise (8 hours) 211 985 984 Pandemonium
Composite Nano Expertise (8 hours) 211 1232 1230 Pandemonium
Composite Physical Special Expertise (8 hours) 211 1232 1230 Pandemonium
Composite Ranged Expertise (8 hours) 211 1232 1230 Pandemonium
Composite Ranged Special Expertise (8 hours) 211 1232 1230 Pandemonium