Gilthar Garden Mission (Adonis Clan)

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Note "This note seems to have been scribbled down hastily and the words have no importance to you, but there is surely someone waiting for it."
It saves time to get the Note for the Redeemed before visiting them; it is near the entry point into Adonis. There is a series of mini-bridges to the northeast, and the target point is to the northwest of the far side end of the bridges. At the target point is a ramp, and at the top of the ramp, a long bridge. At the end of the bridge are two portals; one to each the two targets to kill for the Note. It has between a 25% and 50% drop rate.
(+) Fortuitous Urga-Yutt Dal
(+) Hypnagogic Jorr-Thrak Dal

The Redeemed Temple is the light colored building on the small island. Look for Ecclesiast Gil Jha, who gives a letter for Sipius Gil Ilad-Ulma, a formality which humans might find extraneous, since Sipius is standing right next to Gil Jha. Go get the Note as per the above section if needed, otherwise just "deliver" it to the Ecclesiast.

Now the Ecclesiast is interested in two Ancient Control Panels. "Observe" them.

  1. 2800 × 2530 - North of the Redeemed camp, there are big spaceship looking things on the map
  2. 1670 × 3020 - On the snowy island, at the top of the massive hill with Dryad's on its slopes

Return to Diviner Gil Yeol-Ulma at 465 × 271

The Key to the Garden of Gilthar The Key to the Garden of Gilthar