Over Equipped

From Anarchy Online Wiki [AOWiki]
Revision as of 04:10, 15 July 2009 by SilentDawn (talk | contribs)

Called OE for short, this is the act of getting buffs from others and using gear that that add to your stats. The point of getting your stats higher, is so that you can equip gear you would like to use, that you would otherwise not be able too.

Once the temporary measure has worn off, i.e. a buff, then the item is OE and subject to OE rules. Some items cannot be OE and will fall off. Some items once OE will have OE penalty making them less effective. Other items there is no penalty at all.

OE does not apply to NCU memory, Belts, Implants, HUD items or Util items.

You can also get help with this in game with helpbot

Say: /tell helpbot OE #

Replace # with the skill level.

