Reactivate Account

From Anarchy Online Wiki [AOWiki]

Funcom has for various reasons deactivated Anarchy Online Accounts. This seems to happen monthly to Froob accounts. You get notified of this block when you connect to the game Anarchy Online and receive a blocked message.

Error - Not paid
Your account is not paid for or has been blocked.
To check the status of your account log in to

Clicking on the link will take you to

For some, they can connect to their account, click the reactivate option, and they are done.

For others, there is no reactivate option on the web page. Or we cannot connect to our account because it reports invalid password, but the password is valid on the Anarchy Online client.

Reactivate Procedure

When missing the reactivate option, you can do try the following steps.

  1. Connect to your account on
    If you get invalid password go to Invalid Password
  2. Then paste this address on your browse
    You probably wont see any change on the web page.
  3. Connect to the game using Anarchy Online Client.

Reactivate Procedure using TSW

Some are able to reactivate their accounts using the TSW site which still has the Reactivate Button. > Clock Home > Click Reactivate Button > Click a different Reactivate Button

Invalid Password

You are able to connect to the Anarchy Online game but cannot connect to the web site because of an invalid password message.

This is often means Funcom is blocking your IP address.

It can happen after multiple successful connections to different accounts on the same day. 3-4 times is commonly reported as the trigger for this IP block.

Work Around

  • Wait a week or maybe a day for the hidden block to be lifted.
  • Connect computer to another internet access point. Try going to a coffee shop or library and use their internet connection. Maybe use a friends smartphone hotspot.
  • VPN can be used if you have access to one that allows connection to gaming sites.
  • Use your Smart Phone or Pad. Turn WIFI off on it, so it uses its cellular data connection. Then connect to the website.
My smart phone does not show a Logout option.
To connect to another account cleanout the browser history.

If you still get Invalid password. You can try resetting the password.

I did this for a couple of OLD accounts that continue fail on the password for several weeks. I still needed to go to a coffee shop to get connected.


If you still have problems.

Preventing Account from being Blocked

I created a new Anarchy Online account which is rarely used and has not been blocked. Maybe there is a grace period for new accounts.

Some older Froob accounts that are used a lot don't seem to get blocked.

Whiles other toons are used one day and are blocked the next.

External References