Talk:Escaped Gargantula

From Anarchy Online Wiki [AOWiki]

Regarding the removal of copyrighted arcanum content, is that copyright even still valid since the original site is down and only mirrors remain? How about just adding credit and a link to the arcanum mirror? --Vhab 12:15, 7 June 2007 (PDT)

Copyrights, in the united states, last for the life of the author plus around 50 years. Elussion isn't dead, his stuff is just in limbo. So in order to use it you need to get his permission since at the bottom of the page: Anarchy Arcanum © 2002 - Anarchy Online is a trademark of Funcom - Content may not be reproduced without permission We do not have permission to use Arcanum's stuff in the form it appears on Arcanum, hence we can't post it. Fair use doesn't really fall into this because its not for private use and its such a large body of text that was copied cannot simply be cited to remove the problem. Moral of the story: get Elussion on the line and get him to give the aowiki project permission to use his stuff. --Berael 19:43, 7 June 2007 (PDT)