Veterans Rewards

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Revision as of 22:08, 17 April 2010 by Anarchangel (talk | contribs) (Shark items into two listings; additional notes)

The Veterans' Rewards program was implemented in Patch 15.9 and made available a special set of items for players who pay for the game. Players with paid accounts accrue points every 6 months that can be used to purchase items out of the Veteran terminals found in Tir, Borealis and Omni Entertainment

Gameplay Features

  • Players will be awarded veteran points based on how many months their account has been active. Months paid for in advance are not counted in advance.
  • Veterans points are awarded as follows:
    • 6 months = +1 Veteran point
    • 12 months = +2 Veteran points
    • 18 months = +3 Veteran points
    • 24 months = +4 Veteran points
    • 30 months = +5 Veteran points
    • 36 months = +6 Veteran points
    • 42 months = +7 Veteran points
    • 48 months = +8 Veteran points
  • Veteran points will apply to every character on an account, even newly created ones. So if a veteran player elligable for 10 veteran points creates a new character that character will have 10 veteran points ready to spend
  • Each character on an account can spend the total number of points so veteran points are not spread out across all your characters, if you are eligible for 10 points every character gets to spend 10 points each.
  • Veteran points will be used to buy items from the special veterans vendors


Design Considerations

The aim of the veterans program is to provide veteran players with some unique items reserved for those who have played Anarchy Online for some time. Some of the items are fun cosmetic items that we think our veteran players will appreciate and are in keeping with the sense of humour and style that Anarchy Online is renowned for. Secondly there are items that make the veterans life easier on their alternate characters (or even their main character in some cases). These include the option to use veterans points to purchase a low requirement Yalmaha or even some tokens to boost your token board. What we did not want to do was create a them and us situation where veteran items were seen as in some way essential to have a good character. To that end you will not find any items in the veterans program that make your characters more powerful or add stats. The point of the veterans program is to provide some fun and to help veteran players with some of the repeatable tasks on their alternate characters. Its also worth being aware that We may also be adding more items over time so players should be aware of that when spending all their veteran points.

Veterans Items Preview

There are a selection of item available to purchase with your veteran points, lets take a look through and see what some of them are!

Visual Social Items

There is a great choice of fun stuff to choose from here for roleplaying, parties or just having a joke with friends! You can click anywhere on the gallery below and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate between the different images

The list of these visual items is as follows:

Icon Name Description Cost Screenshot
ID NOT FOUND Alphabet T-Shirt a simple white on black design with each letter of the alphabet, you only have to buy the shirt once, right clicking on the item in your inventory cycles through the letters. Uppercase on the front, lower case on the back! 3 Points.
ID NOT FOUND Protest Placard Have something to say? Now you can have a real protest. Like the T-Shirt the placard cycles through various slogans when right clicked there are over twenty to choose from! 3 Points.
ID NOT FOUND ID NOT FOUND Shoulder Devil and Angel Two separate items for when you need to show which side of your personality is coming through! 3 points each.
ID NOT FOUND The Flashlight Is an archaic light source that was once carried before it was learned that they could be duct taped to weapons. It was largely made obsolete thanks to affordable night vision goggles and floating torches. 1 Point.
ID NOT FOUND The Shovel An archaic digging tool. 2 Points
ID NOT FOUND Floating drum kit Thats right, they float in front of you for perfect performance! 1 Point.
ID NOT FOUND Guitar Case Even Antonio Banderas didn't have a guitar case as good looking as this 2 Points
ID NOT FOUND Rollerrat Balloon It floats beside you in the shape of a rollerrat!! 3 Points
ID NOT FOUND Shark Fin How to scare people in water! Tips: 1. Also be in the water. 2. Be in the water on your stomach, or they will not see anything much. 3. Breast stroke is recommended, or your arms flailing around would be a dead giveaway. 4. Just floating, you would look like a dead shark, which is somewhat less scary. 1 Point
ID NOT FOUND Shark Helmet How to scare people in water! Tips: 1. See #1 above. 2. See #2 above, only tread water instead. 3. Holding your breath is recommended, or as you begin to drown, your autonomic nervous system will kick in and force you to flail your arms around, again being something of a giveaway. 4. See #4, above. 1 Point
ID NOT FOUND Halo For the truly angelic types! 1 Point
ID NOT FOUND Multifunction Analysis Device Your very own PDA 1 Point
ID NOT FOUND Veterans Backpack Funky new design to wear on your back 2 Points
ID NOT FOUND Captain Enno's Pirate Parrot of Impending Doom For the pirate in all of us. 3 Points
ID NOT FOUND Sombrero Hat When ever you need a sudden hat dance or a siesta, it will be there! 1 Point
ID NOT FOUND Tutu For those that might want to indulge in a little ballet...or for Atroxes to scare people with. 2 Points
ID NOT FOUND Umbrella An old fashion umbrella for a rainy day. 2 Points
ID NOT FOUND Wrist Datapad A wrist mounted datapad for all your business endeavors. Adjustable for breed and gender. 1 Point
ID NOT FOUND Gift Wrapped Alien Costume Holy Cow Aliens! Be your favorite green bugs for any occasion... except maybe a raid! 2 Points
ID NOT FOUND Gift Wrapped Boxing Gloves Float like a Reet and sting like a roller rat with these boxing gloves. They adjust sizes with a click for both atroxes and normal people. 2 Points
ID NOT FOUND Foam Hand YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Point
ID NOT FOUND Hockey Stick Used in the ancient sport of hockey, and the modern art of butt kicking. 2 Points
ID NOT FOUND Shopping Bag Shop in style with this stylish shopping bag that changes to display the shop logo of your choice! 1 Points
ID NOT FOUND Large Zigball Banner Show your hometown pride by decorating your apartment or Organization Headquarters with these huge banners. Changes team with a click. 1 Points
ID NOT FOUND Zigball Banner Show your hometown pride by decorating your apartment or Organization Headquarters with these banners. Changes team with a click. 1 Point
ID NOT FOUND Zigball Pennant Show your hometown pride by waving this zigball pennant! Changes team with a click. 1 Point

Nano Crystal (Veterans L33t Transformation) Uploads a nano that allows you to assume the form of a leet, or turn somebody else into a leet! Unlike the adventurer version, this version has no other effects than making you small and furry. 3 Points

Spooky Leet Pet Uploads a nano that allows you to spawn one of 3 spooky leet pets! Draculeet, Frankenleet, and Ghouleet! 2 Points

Usable Items

Ok, so thats the fun stuff! What about the useful stuff? Here is a list of items veterans can find to make their life a little easier!

Icon Name Description Cost Screenshot

Veterans Treatment Lab and Upgrades A special treatment kit that is usable in Shadowlands and on Rubi-Ka. It heals for a large amount instantly and the more upgrades you buy and install into it the better healing and faster recharge you get. The kit costs 3 VP and each upgrade an additional 5 VP

Shadowlands Recall Beacon Allows you to warp directly to the Shadowlands garden or sanctuary equivalent to whichever key you currently have equipped. 10 Points

Rubi-Ka Recall Beacon Using this beacon warps you to a faction appropriate place on Rubi-Ka, no matter were you are. Neutrals are warped to Newland City, Omni-Tek to Omni Entertainment, and Clan to Tir. 10 Points

Veteran Token Adds 50 tokens to your token count. This item is not usable by Neutrals and all normal rules for tokens apply. 7 Points
ID NOT FOUND Yalmaha XL - 29478 Package When right clicks spawns a Yalmaha to your inventory with a vehicle air requirement of only 81. 7 Points

Nano Crystal (Insight into the Shadowlands) This uploads a comprehensive nano that gives the player access to all the maps of the Shadowland playfields. Unlike the Adventurer maps though, these maps do not give extra bonuses. 7 Points

So there you have it, that is the run down of what is in store with the veterans rewards. Do remember though that we may add additional items in the future as well.