Chat commands

From Anarchy Online Wiki [AOWiki]

Chat commands are used in the Chat window, macros, and scripts. The are used for communication, pet control, org administrations, emotes, and other aspects of the game.

Communication related commands[edit]

Tell command[edit]

  • /tell <character name>
    opens a window for private conversation with an in-game character
  • /tell <character name> <message text>
    sends a private message to a in-game character
  • /reply <text>
    /r <text>
    SHIFT + R <text>
    Send a private reply to the last person who messaged you.

Sending messages to specific channels[edit]

  • / takes you to last chat window
  • /v <message text>
    sends a message to all characters in your vicinity
  • /t <message text>
    sends a message to all characters that are currently in your team
  • /s <message text>
    sends a message to all characters in extended vicinity
  • /w <message text>
    sends a message to all characters in reduced vicinity
  • /o <message text>
    sends a message to all characters that are members of your organization
  • /text <text>
    Shows <text> only in your own chat window.
  • /ch <channel>
    Change default channel to <channel>.

Finding characters and PvP Commands[edit]

  • /list - Show all players currently in the same zone as you.
  • /list <searched> - Show all players of profession/faction <searched> currently in the same zone as you.
  • /anon - Toggle anonymous mode on and off. When anonymous the /list command will not show your name.
  • /lft <message> - Toggle 'Looking for team' on and off, optionally using <message> as your description. SHIFT + F is used to find those flagged as looking for a team
  • /ignore <name> - Ignore all messages from targeted character until remove by retyping /ignore <name>.
  • /ignore list - List everyone on your ignore list
  • /duel - challenge another player to a PvP match
  • /duel draw - offer to end the duel in a draw, both duellists have to run this command to end the duel

Name Command[edit]

Oudated-clock.png Warning! Name change requests currently require sending a petition (/petition). This queue is no-longer managed.

  • "/name help" - Shows this help message
  • "/name " - Available types are nick (Nick name), first (First name), last (Last name). This is to request a name change.
  • "/name remove" - Used to remove your first or last name. For example /name last remove will remove your last name.
  • "/name policy" - Shows the current naming policy
  • "/name status" - Show the name requests you have in the queue currently
  • "/name delete all" - Removes all your requests from the queue
  • "/name delete " - Deletes a specific request, id number is available via status

You can change your character name instantly at below level 20. After that you might need to pay for it to be changed.

Organization related commands[edit]

  • /org invite
    invites the targeted in-game character into your organisation.
  • /org promote
    promotes the targeted in-game character up to one rank below yours.
  • /org demote
    demotes the targeted in-game character if he is of lower rank.
  • /org kick
    kicks the targeted in-game character out of your organisation.
  • /org kick <name>
    kicks the named in-game character out of your organisation.
  • /org leave
    leave your current organisation.
  • /org bank
    displays the amount of credits currently in the organisation bank.
  • /org bank add <amount>
    transfers the specified amount of credits from your account to the org bank.
  • /org bank remove <amount>
    transfers the specified amount of credits from org bank to your account (org leader only).
  • /org tax
    displays organisation tax rate.
  • /org tax <amount>
    change organisation tax rate.
  • /org debt
    show organisation debt.
  • /org city
    shows organisation city bonuses.
  • /org contract
    shows organisation contracts.
  • /org startvote <text> <duration> <options>
    start organisation vote.
  • /org stopvote <text>
    stop organisation vote.
  • /org vote info
    shows organisation vote information.
  • /org vote <numerical option>
    vote for numerical option provided.
  • /org create
    create a new organisation from a full team.
  • /org info
    show organisation info of the targeted in-game character.
  • /org governingform <form>
    change organisation governing form.
  • /org ranks
    show available organisation ranks.
  • /org description <text>
    set organisation description.
  • /org name <text>
    set organisation name.
  • /org history <text>
    set organisation history.
  • /org objective <text>
    set organisation objective.
  • /org disband
    disband organisation.

See also Organisations for additional commands and more details .

Emote related commands[edit]

/me <message text>

sends a message to emote channel replacing /me with your in-game character name.

Open/Close Commands[edit]

Open panels and chat tabs that are closed. For each /open command there is a corresponding /close command

Command Hotkey Results
/open "press tab" List current options
/open "Chatbox Tab Name" Show hidden chat tab
/open ChatConfig Chat Configuration panel
/open Controls CTRL + 2 Controls window
/open Faction Faction
/open Friends CTRL + 7 Friends
/open InfoView Info window
/open Inventory I Inventory
/open ItemStore Item Store
/open Knowledge CTRL + 3 Knowledge window
/open Missions CTRL + 4 Current Missions
/open Nano CTRL + 8 Nanos
/open NCU CTRL + 0 Current running nanos
/open Perks Perks
/open Pet Pet info, only works if there is a pet
/open PlanetMap P Planet map
/open PlayfieldMap CTRL + 6 Playfield map
/open Raid CTRL + SHIFT + R Raid setup
/open Settings F10 Options and Keyboard settings
/open Stats CTRL + 9 Statistics panel
/open Team CTRL + 5 team panel
/open Tradeskill SHIFT + T Tradeskill construct popup
/open Wear CTRL + 1 Wear panel

Pet related commands[edit]

  • /pet <name> <command> - Sends <command> to your pet <name>. If you do not specify <name> the command is sent to all your pets. If you specify <name> and your pets name includes spaces you need to add quotationmarks, eg. /pet "Nibbles the dog" terminate.
  • /pet <name> attack - Makes the pet attack your targeted enemy
  • /pet rename [name] - Renames the targeted pet to [name]
  • /pet <name> guard - Will set the pet on autoguard you if you are attacked.
  • /pet <name> terminate - Will terminate the pet allowing you to cast a new one.
  • /pet <name> wait - Sets the pet on wait mode
  • /pet <name> behind - Sets the pet on wait mode
  • /pet <name> report - Reports the pet activities
  • /pet <name> chat "[String]" Makes the pet chat
  • /open pet - open pets info windows
  • /close pet - close pets info windows

Tower related commands[edit]

  • /tower attack - Makes the tower attack your targeted enemy
  • /tower rename [name] - Renames the tower to [name]
  • /tower guard - Will set the tower on autoguard you if you are attacked.
  • /tower terminate - Will terminate the tower allowing you to build a new one.
  • /tower wait - Sets the tower on wait mode
  • /tower behind - Sets the tower on wait mode
  • /tower report - Reports the towers activities
  • /tower chat "[String]" Makes the tower chat

Other commands[edit]


  • /cc addbuddy <name>
    Add someone to your friends list.
  • /cc rembuddy <name>
    Remove someone from your friends list.
  • /cc rembuddy ?
    Clears the entire ? section of your friends list.

Exiting from game[edit]

  • /camp - Exit the client the normal, gracefull way.
  • /quit - This command will exit the client without further questions. Sometimes used to "fake LD". Not very usefull. Note that when quitting game suddenly (/quit or double Alt+F4) some settings might not be saved, such as icon positions, certain options etc.

Miscellaneous Commands[edit]

  • /assist
You select your target's fighting target.
  • %t
Will translate into the name of your selection.
  • %f
Will translate into the name of your fighting target.
  • %m
Will translate into the name of your character.
  • /macro <name> <command>
Generates a button to run <command> that can be placed on an action bar, hit Y to display it
  • /script <filename> <arguments>
Sends contents of <filename> into in-game chat, replacing %1, %2, etc with <arguments>
  • /delay <milliseconds>
Delays script execution by <milliseconds>
  • /played
Tells you for how long you have played this character. Also gives you the local time, both in-game and real-time.
  • /born
Tells you when character was created.
  • /stuck
When you are stuck, sit down and use this command and you will be moved
  • /terminate
Suicide after one minute and get teleported to the active reclaim point, losing all unsaved XP
  • /TipOfTheDay
Will bring up the next tip.

Viewing local files[edit]

  • /showfile <filename> - Shows the local file <filename> in the info window. This is used by the helpsystem alot. The path defaults to your Anarchy Online\cd_image\text\help\ directory.
  • /messagebox <message> - Opens a messagebox with <text> in it and a Ok button to close it. This is NOT the info window we will be using alot later, just a popup message box.

Chat Keyboard Controls[edit]

Go to Chat Command Enter
Cycle through previous inputs SHIFT + <arrow up> and SHIFT + <arrow down>
Activate input with reply to last /tell SHIFT + R
Cycle through which /tell to reply to SHIFT + <arrow up> and SHIFT + <arrow down>
Activate input with �/� in the input /? or <num />
Submit chat input <Enter>
Scroll back in chat history <Page Up>
Scroll forward in chat history <Page Down>
Delete next character <Delete>
Delete previous character <Backspace>
Delete previous word CTRL + <Backspace>
Move cursor to beginning of input <Home>
Move cursor to end of input <End>
Toggle overwrite / insert <Insert>

Help Commands[edit]

Help screen /help
Pet Help /help pet
Org Help /help org
Petition Function for help commands /help petition
Emote commands /help emote
Macro syntax /help macro
Basic scripting help /help script
Short list of chat commands //help chat
Team command help /help team
Various commands /help misc
Changing camera help /help camera
Shortcut bar help /help actionbar
List Command Help /help list
Control Tower and Service Tower help /help towers
Voice commands /help voices
Perks Help /help perks
Shawdowlands faction Help /help factions
Shadow level help /help shadowlevel