Blood Plasma
- See Blood Plasma DM for the Daily Mission
It is possible to convert Monsterparts, with a low resale value, into Blood Plasma, with a value as high as or higher than weapons of the same QL. Blood Plasma is a key element in making homemade treatment kits, which heal for a lot more than regular treatment kits, but have a somewhat longer recharge and blinds the user for a few seconds after use.
Doctors, Traders and Engineers can train Pharma Tech for fewer IPs than other professions. Omni-Tek shops and Trader Shops will pay more for the same item.
Of notable interest, some items like the Withered Flesh and the Half Digested Human <parts> look like monster parts, the latter will destroy the bio-comminutor if its of the right minimal QL, so be sure to check your inventory for those or you'll anger your local tradeskiller.
The following 'Half Digested Human' parts have icons that look exactly like normal monster parts. Tradeskilling them will produce Sanctified Remains, destroying the Bio-Comminutor.
Half Digested Human Torso. This at one point had the most common Monster Parts icon:
and may still do so, so be careful.
Half Digested Human Legs and feet
Half Digested Human Hands and wrists
Left click on the letter 'i' (on the top left of windows) to change Backpack displays from purely visual icons to List mode, which displays the name of the item. This makes spotting Half Digested Human parts easy.
Required Skills[edit]
- Pharmacy
Components and Tools[edit]
Item / Tool | *1 | from | min. QL |
Basic Bio-Comminutor | R | Shop | 60% of Monster Parts |
Monster Parts | C | Loot | ? |
The combination of items in Anarchy Online works as follows:
Open the tradeskill window (Shift + T). Here you can place the two items you want to combine in the left and middle part. The resulting Item will be shown in the right area. Missing skills, or non possible combinations will be shown below. A detailed look on the resulting item is possible with a simple shift-left-click on it. It is recommended to have free inventory space before combining items, else the item will end in the overflow window.
See Also[edit]
- Sanctified Remains
- Special Emergency Treatment Laboratory
- Emergency Treatment Laboratory
- Treatment Laboratory
Translated from the german AOWiki --Mummu 13:24, 09. Aug 2005 (CEST)
--Marsmensch 10:47, 22. Apr 2005 (CEST)