Omni-Med Suit

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Revision as of 13:24, 2 December 2011 by Alvane (talk | contribs) (Fixed: iconlinking)

The Omni-Med Suit offers no protection, but its bonuses to Treatment are useful even at the highest Player Levels. No AO items exist that can exceed its bonuses other than boots; Biomech Armor boots to be exact.

Omni-Med Suit pieces are only sold by Omni clothing terminals and OT Tailors. They are offered as mission rewards at any level; most commonly at lower level, as the Medsuit comes in only one QL, QL One.

Clan players generally overcome the restrictions on the availability of medsuits somehow, rather than do without them. Players of all three sides commonly create Omni characters to buy the medsuits in Omni territory, and bring them to a neutral location such as Borealis to transfer or sell. Transfers are completed with the help of a third character, or a second character on a second account, either in windowed mode or using Alt-Tab to switch from one screen to another.

The Body and Legs pieces are available in a second design for female characters, although the legs design is more like short pants than the skirt that is suggested by the icon; not particularly fashionable, perhaps, but not an obviously feminine garment.

appeareance and features

Omni-Med Suit Shirt
Omni-Med Suit Sleeves Omni-Med Suit Gloves Omni-Med Suit Sleeves
Omni-Med Suit Trousers
Omni-Med Suit Boots
ProjectileAC: 0
MeleeAC: 0
EnergyAC: 0
FireAC: 0
ColdAC: 0
RadiationAC: 0
ChemicalAC: 0
PoisonAC: 0
Treatment: 78
FirstAid: 78

Values compared to Carbonum Armor

Treatment Bonuses

Treatment bonuses, with easy alternatives:
Augmented Biomech Armor Helmet Head: No Omni-Med piece available. Use Biomech Armor Helmet for maximum of 10, or Stalker Helmet at lower levels, for a fixed bonus of +5, or Physician's Cap.

Augmented Biomech Armor Cloak Back: No Omni-Med piece available. There are various alternatives, up to +50, but froobs under level 200 will get good use from the Biomech Armor Cloak for maximum of +10 Treatment and First Aid. Title level 6 and up froobs can use the Cloak of the Reanimated Healer for +13.

Omni-Med Suit Shirt Omni-Med Suit Shirt +20 Treatment, First Aid

Omni-Med Female Suit Shirt Omni-Med Female Suit Shirt Same bonus as shirt. Like all female armor, it is applied to the character as a texture, not a textured model, so it does not bestow breasts, only a low neckline.

Omni-Med Suit Sleeves Omni-Med Suit Sleeves +14 Treatment, First Aid

Omni-Med Suit Gloves Omni-Med Suit Gloves +10 Treatment, First Aid

Omni-Med Suit Trousers Omni-Med Suit Trousers +14 Treatment, First Aid

Omni-Med Suit Skirt Omni-Med Suit Skirt Same bonus as Trousers, looks like short shorts.

Augmented Biomech Armor Boots Biomech Armor Boots +10 Treatment and First Aid, which is superior to the Omni-Med Boots at +6.

See Also