Crash Site

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Revision as of 21:49, 14 September 2018 by Anarchangel (talk | contribs)
Crash site with Chaos Beetle in the foreground


Kill five groups of five mobs each at Spaceship Crash Site in Milky Way

Agency Old Athens and Rome Blue

Level 76+

Difficulty: Moderate

Time: 15-30


Numerous crash sites dot the surface of Rubi-Ka, unlucky ships brought down from space either by gravity or something more... explosive. These sites have become popular gathering spots for the rejected and forgotten - Mutants, scavengers, cyborgs, and other such unpleasantness. Clear one such area from these threats to claim your reward.


  • Substantial XP
  • Mission tokens * 2


Travel to 20K in Pleasant Meadows. Clan: Grid to 2HO, take the Whompah at 2HO furthest from the Grid exit named "S. Artery Valley". Now you are in 10-3, with Dr. Hercules Lincoln (the Omni contact for the Biomare missions) to the North; turn to the South and go through the whompah to 20K. Once in Pleasant Meadows, travel north to the zone wall and pass through to Milky Way and north again to the marker's target map location. Go along the west side of the crash site so not to get attacked by mobs until their turn in the mission comes up. As you kill each group in the mission, the mission location changes. You might also find some players camping the Drill Surgeons for the Miy's Armor pieces they drop. They spawn quickly enough so there should be enough for all. Each group increases in difficulty and teaming will help.

Some mission XP is received after each group of five. The mission is completed after killing the fifth mob in the last group.

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