Tir County

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Revision as of 07:46, 12 February 2010 by Anarchangel (talk | contribs)

Commander Brock, a NPC with three quests including the Rings of Tir, is in a village to the east. In a village to the north, Nodda Gregg lives, and gives his quest, and so does Inventor Bobic. The trail from Tir, through Tir County to Greater Tir County was once a major thoroughfare for players heading to the Temple of Three Winds, before Windcaller Karrec at the Newland Desert whompahs turned the trip into a series of teleports. The teleport wall to Greater Tir County snakes its uniquely winding way along the northern border.

Land Control Areas

Level Range Coordinates Land Name
10-15 460, 1300 Great W. Forest Vein
10-15 2940, 980 The Hidden Notum Canal
20-30 3220, 620 Mountain Areas
10-15 580, 580 Great W. Forest Dorsal
10-15 1500, 460 Western Mountain Areas