
From Anarchy Online Wiki [AOWiki]
Revision as of 20:07, 7 April 2010 by Anarchangel (talk | contribs) (Lede note. Bot Mountain, (1650 x 2200) is a great place to find Junkbots and Buzzsaws, but there are no Warbots there. 4000 series & location, Pics)

Whether under the control of enemy Engineers or gone rogue (as is the case with the A series), indoors or outdoors, these sturdy and responsive robotic minions are a force to be reckoned with. Warbots are built with itchy triggerfingers; the difference between Master's Friends and Target To Destroy is less delineated than it is with more domesticated robots. Hence the hundreds of rogue warbots roaming the wastes of Rubi-Ka.

Warbots may start with a good home, but all it takes is for them to be separated from their handlers to go bad

While Omni-Tek has discarded the Warbot frame as old technology, the technicians at the Sentinels base in Wailing Wastes have perfected the technology inside, making them an equal in fighting capability to Slayerdroids.

Warbots are reputed to have a lower drop rate for quest items related to the Shoulderpads quests than do other lesser robots. Mechdogs are reputed to have the highest drop rate.

Warbots are the chattiest robot model, but they actually have only four voice files. "Scanning Area", "Moving object located", something that sounds like, "Heavy ordinance in area" (but is something else, maybe a flubbed line during voice recording, or an intentionally ambiguous one) and of course, "Attack mode activated!"


Unique: Obediency Enforcer
  • A-500 Soldier and A-500 Elite
  • A-1000 Soldier and A-1000 Elite
  • A-2000, Western 'Varmint Woods'
  • A-4000 Soldier and A-4000 Elite, 'Greater Tir County' 2650 x 3100 and 700 x 2700



Unique: Obediency Inspector


ID NOT FOUND Junkmetal Armor
ID NOT FOUND Personalized Basic Robot Brain

Unique Encounters

Nano Program - Robot Level Comparison

Unique: Order Automator

* Every Advanced and Perfected robot pair on Auno are displayed with the lower one above the higher one. This is out of synch with the order rest of the list, which is the highest models at the top of the list, descending to the lowest. This has been corrected.
* Caveat: the source listing Hit Points and Nano Points information is slightly out of date, showing different Robot Levels for the Military-Grade and Semi-Sentient Warbots, than shown here. Given the discrepancy in the number sequence of their Robot Levels (normally +3 levels each new model), this is most likely a cosmetic, rather than a gameplay-altering, adjustment by the developers to make the top-of-the-line robots seem more impressive.
*NCU numbers extrapolated from observed NCU, using "/macro Report /pet report" command, of Common and Inferior Warbots. Lesser, Patchwork, and Feeble Warbot information is available and will be added soon, and others higher than Common later. Request information on Flawed Warbot.

Model Upgrade Nano
Military-Grade Warbot 156 146? 15148 7881
Semi-Sentient Warbot 156 146 14611 7645
Perfected Warbot 152 139 14075 7409
Advanced Warbot 152 136 13538 7173 144?
Upgraded Warbot 149 133 13001 6937 141?
Warbot 149 130 12464 6701 138?
Common Warbot 146 127 12038 6501 135
Flawed Warbot 146 124 11611 6301 132?
Inferior Warbot 139 121 11184 6101 129
Lesser Warbot 136 118 10757 5901 126?
Patchwork Warbot 132 115 10330 5700 123?
Feeble Warbot 129 112 9903 5500 120?
Model Upgrade Nano

See Also

External Links