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Organizations are a very large part of the Anarchy Online experience since they not only provide a social group and aid in playing the game, but can also provide characters with enhancements and other buffs just for being a member.

Joining an Organization[edit]

To join an organization you need to be invited by a member who has a high enough rank, depending on the org's governing form, to invite you to the organization. This needs to be done face to face as the recruiter needs to target you to give the invitation.

There are other things to consider when joining an organization though, such as size, play style, focus, taxes, and leadership. The size of the organization is just a subjective estimate of how the org operates. Small organizations tend to be very intimate, being more like family where everybody knows each other, organization decisions are often based on mutual agreement and discussion. Medium Organizations tend to have a wider variety of people then small organizations that are from different countries and on at different times. This makes it difficult for everybody to really know each other, but often members of medium organizations will be familiar with most of the members through web forums, discussion, or other events. Decision making in medium organizations can often be done effectively through voting. Large organizations have very large player bases that keep all but the most active people from knowing the majority of the players, but this size allows them to tackle many events and raids as organizations that wouldn't be possible by smaller orgs. Decision making is tough for large orgs and is generally relegated to the organization leaders to make mandates or generally facilitate events.

Play style and focus range for many organizations since there is a lot of ways to approach the game. Organization size also plays into how some orgs act. In general, organizations usually focus on one of four things: gaming, socializing, role-playing, or player vs player combat. Gamist orgs focus on getting through the game and mastering the concepts of and skills required by the game. Social orgs are more interested in holding parties, meeting new people, and being able to talk and relate to other members on a day to day basis. Role-Play organizations generally have some sort of theme that they focus their role-play around, but they often work on telling stories or running role-play events. PvP orgs are generally focused on tower wars with an emphasis on capturing towers from other sides, but now they may also put an importance on Battlestation combat or street duels.

Some organizations have taxes or guild dues that go into the organization's bank account. There are a variety of reasons to do this but some common reasons are to help fund the organization's city, to put aside money for some sort of fund or event (like buying people their first yalm), or sometimes just lining the pockets of the leadership. Since org taxing can be automated in AO it is important that you check what taxes or dues are required to join and stay in the org.

There are many ways of leading an organization, too many to make a comprehensive guide here, but how the leadership in the org treats the members can make the difference between a great game experience and a living nightmare. Some organizations like to take a hands off approach and only exercise their power when there is a problem in the org. Others like to work organizations like military units where you have a leader above you that is in command of you and you need to follow their orders. Still others can work as a council that leads based on consensus of the leaders. Depending on your needs, you may find it important to check how the leadership works and how they relate to the members of an organization you might join.

Starting Your Own Organization[edit]

If you and your friends would rather start your own organization then you will need to gather up a full team of people, none of whom can be a member of another org and all of the team members must be of the same side (Omni-Tek, Clan or Neutral). The org leader must be a paid player.

"You can only create an organization of a full 6 member team. All members must be of the same side. No members can be part of any other organization. The leader can not be a free player."

The team leader can then use the following command to found the org.

/org create (name of org)

The organization will belong to the same side as all the members of the team (Omni-Tek, Clan or neutral), and the team leader becomes the organization leader. We will get to the various organization management commands in just a second but first lets take a look at the types of organizations available.

Organization Types[edit]

On Rubi-Ka organizations are not all the same there are several forms of government that you can apply to your org. You can choose various forms of chain-of-command for your org. Known as governing forms each has a slightly different effect on how your org functions, who can promote, recruit or kick members etc.

The org leader can use the following command:

/org governingform <form>

(form) can be one of Department, Faction, Republic, Monarchy, Anarchism, and Feudalism. So what do they all mean and what are the differences? All the governing form types except for Anarchism have a series of ranks that dictate where a player sits in the organizations hierarchy and whether or not they can recruit, promote, demote or kick other members. In an Anarchy, these decisions are put to a vote.

Rank Department Republic Faction Feudalism Monarchy Anarchism
0 President President Director Lord Monarch Anarchist
1 General Advisor Board Member Knight Counsel -
2 Squad Commander Veteran Executive Vassal Follower -
3 Unit Commander Member Member Peasant - -
4 Unit Leader Applicant Applicant - - -
5 Unit Member - - - - -
6 Applicant - - - - -

Benefits of Organizations[edit]

While there are many social benefits to being in an org, there are also a good number of system benefits. Most were added with the The Notum Wars and Alien Invasion Expansions.

Organization Contracts[edit]

With the introduction of The Notum Wars, orgs had the option of 'selling' the Notum their orgs were harvesting with their Land Control sites. This took the form of the Org Contract or Organization Advantages. While the main article gives a much better overview of the benefits of these contracts, the purpose is to give stat boosts to the entire organization as a whole. These bonuses scale based on level, so a level 200 character will get more benefit from a single contract than a level 20 will, but better contracts always give better benefits to everybody.

Since the The Notum Wars Expansion is part of the free play offer, Froobs can gain benefit from contracts.

To see what Contracts your org has type: /org contract


Organization Cities[edit]

When Alien Invasion came out, the dream of having guild houses and Organization Cities became a reality and added some very nice benefits to the structure of the organization. Like contracts the stat bonuses that a city gives are scaled by level and by the ql of the buildings giving the boost. Unlike Tower Contracts though, the limiting factor for buildings is based on space in your city plot.

To see what stat bonuses your org gets type: /org city, but these stat bonuses are only available to org members with Alien Invasion.

There are several unique buildings that can be erected in the city to also give non-standard features to the org, such a plastic surgery, tradeskilling machine, the Notum Silo that has a 0% suppression gas PvP zone inside of it, a Cafe with a bartender, or a Sauna that gives Relaxed State 11% experience gain buff to all those that spend more than 2 minutes inside.


Organization Bank and Finances[edit]

All organizations have a credit bank that can be used for the storage of credits, which can be filled from multiple sources within the org, which include org taxes, donations, and AI shop commission. Unlike the accounts of normal characters, this account can be filled to a maximum of 3,999,999,999 credits. It should be noted that while any member of the org can contribute credits to the org bank, only the highest ranking member of the org can remove them. Most organizations use this money to pay city rent or to save for buying a city, though it can be used as creatively as the president/leader desires.

Bank Commands[edit]

  • /org bank
Shows to current contents of the bank to any non-applicant member.
  • /org bank [Add/Remove] [Cash Amount]
Allows all members to add money to the org bank in the ammount specified.
The 'Remove' function allows the org leader to add the specified
amount to their own credit total.
  • /org bank paymembers [Amount]
Disperses the specified amount of credits to all organization members.
This command does not distinguish between alts of the same account, so
members with more alts will get more money.

Tax Commands[edit]

The tax function allows the president to set an amount of money that is deducted from each members personal credit account for every two hours of game time played. This money is put into the org bank, and is done automatically. Players who are not able to pay the org tax lose the ability to speak in org chat and org benefits till their debt is paid.

  • /org tax
displays the current org tax amount
  • /org tax [Amount]
Allows the leader to set the amount of tax deducted.
  • /org debt
Shows how much unpaid org tax you have to the org.
Your account is checked ever two hours for the needed money, and
lost privileges will be restored when the tax is paid in full.

Organization Management[edit]

This is a list of organization commands in Anarchy Online. Commands followed by an asterisk (*) are available to organization leaders only.

  • /org create (name) *
(name) is the name of the organization.
This is the command to create an organization. The requirements for using this command are:
  • You must a subscriber.
  • You must be the leader of a full team.
  • All of the team members must be of the same side.
  • None of the team member can be part of another organization.
The organization will belong to the same side as all the members of the team(Omni-Tek, rebel or neutral), and the team leader becomes the organization leader.
  • /org ranks
Lists all ranks available in the organization.
The maximum number of ranks in an organization is 10.
  • /org history (text) *
This command sets the history of the organization, which is displayed when someone does a /org info.
  • /org objective (text) *
This command sets the objective of the organization, which is displayed when someone does a /org info.
  • /org description (text) *
This command sets the description of the organization, which is displayed when someone does a /org info.
  • /org name *
This command sets the name of the organization, which is displayed when someone does a /org info.
  • /org promote (target)
There is no need to supply a level to promote to because promotions are one level at a time.
The target will be informed about the promotion.
Two conditions must be met to allow promotion:
  • You must have someone from your own organization targeted for this command to work.
  • You must have at least 1 level above the level you are promoting to. (The exception is the leader who can promote someone one level below himself to leader. The leader will lose leadership as the new leader is promoted.)
  • /org demote (target)
This is the opposite of promote. The target will be informed of the demotion.
Two conditions must be met to allow demotion:
  • You can only demote someone who is at least one rank below you.
  • You must have someone from your own organization targeted for this command to work.
  • /org info (target)
When you do a /org info on a target, you will get the following information:
  • Organization Name
  • Leader
  • Governing Form
  • Description
  • Objective
  • History
  • History
  • Organization Rank of the target
If you and the targeted individual are part of the same organization, you will see the Notum Wars areas controlled by your organization, if any.
And if there is a vote going on, you will see some information about it (description, time left to vote, and the alternatives).
  • /org governingform (form) *
Where (form) can be one of Department, Faction, Republic, Monarchy, Anarchism, and Feudalism.
  • /org kick (name of player)
It is important that you can kick someone who is not targeted (offline, or in another playfield). Only the leader or someone 3 clan/faction levels above the target can kick them. Only the leader can kick an offline player.
  • /org invite (target)
Asks a player if he wants to join. There is currently no limit to the number of members an organization can have.
The requirements for doing an /org invite are the following:
  • The targeted player must not be member of another organization. (He must leave before he can join yours.)
  • The target player must be from the same side as the organization. (Omni-Tek, rebels or neutral.)
  • The one inviting must be the leader of the organization or 3 levels above the entry level of the new member.
The target will get a pop-up that ask "Do you wish to join (name of organization)?" (yes/no).
The character will be added only if he answers yes. All members will be informed that the character has entered the organization.
  • /org leave
When this is typed, the character leaves the organization. Everyone in the organization will be notified about this.
  • /org disband *
The leader can disband the entire organization with this command.
He will have to confirm the disbanding. When the organization is disbanded, all members will be notified.
  • /org help
Displays a list of the organization commands.

Further Information[edit]

External Links[edit]


Anarchy Online Game Manual