
From Anarchy Online Wiki [AOWiki]
Revision as of 17:27, 22 June 2005 by old_Landcast (talk | contribs) (nice content angel ?)


===AI=== - Alien Invasion, the third expansion pack for Anarchy Online. ===AO=== - Anarchy Online. ===ARK=== - Advisors of Rubi-Ka - Volunteers (players) performing a number of tasks, e.g. creating events on Rubi-Ka. Read more about them on the official ARK web site . ===FC=== - Funcom. ===FPS=== - Mostly used as Frames Per Second but also for First Person Shooter (or action games). ===Newbie=== - A new player to the game, also called noob or n00b. ===MMORPG=== - Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game ===NW=== - Notum Wars, the first expansion pack for Anarchy Online. ===Powerleveling=== - Playing the game with focus on finding the fastest and most efficient way to raise in level. ===QA=== - Quality Assurance. The internal department that works with testing the versions before it is put out on the servers. ===RK1, RK2=== - old names for the first dimensions, meaning Rubi-Ka 1 and 2. RK1 is now named Atlantean, and RK2 is Rimor. ===RL=== - Real Life ===RP=== - Roleplay / roleplaying ===RST=== - Rubi-Ka Standard Time (UTC + 1) ===SL=== - Shadowlands, the second expansion pack for Anarchy Online.

Game technical

===AC=== - Armour Class - The measurement of how effective armour is. The greater the AC number, the more effective it is. ===Adv=== - Adventurer. ===Aggro=== - Aggro is when a monster turns aggressive towards you. "Ack! The Slack Tentacle Mutant aggro'd on me!" ===AR=== - Attack Rating - Your attack skill with the current weapon, used to check against the appropriate defensive skill of your target. ===Buffs=== - Beneficial effects from nano programs or items used to increase stats or abilities. ===Camping=== - The act of sitting and waiting for a monster, item or NPC to spawn, usually in order to kill them for experience, items or credits. ===CC=== - Crowd Control - Handling a crowd of enemies through the use of special nano programs to hinder movement and aggression, e.g. snare, root, calm and fear programs. ===CL=== - Crowd Limiting - A system preventing huge crowds from gathering, to ensure better game performance. Sometimes referred to as CC. ===Crat=== - Bureaucrat. ===Creds=== - Credits - Money in AO. ===DD=== - Direct Damage - Used about nano programs or items that do damage directly to the target. ===Death Loop=== - What happens to a player who is unfortunate enough to save at a scanner in hostile territory. If the character is then killed he will reappear near the scanner and more than likely be killed again by the local guards, killed again, comes back, killed again, etc. ===Debuff=== - Hostile effects from nano programs or items used to decrease stats or abilities. ===Doc=== - Doctor. ===DOT=== - Damage Over Time - Usually relating to nano programs or items that do not do Direct Damage but instead they steadily do damage over a given time. ===Enf=== - Enforcer. ===Engi=== - Engineer. ===HOT=== - Healing Over Time - Usually relating to nano programs or items that steadily provide healing over a given time. ===HP=== - Hit points - A character's health. ===IP=== - Improvement Points - Points earned at each level, for increasing your abilities and skills. ===IPR=== - IP Reallocation - Resetting skills to retrieve used IP, which can then be used on other skills. You gain new IPR points at each title level except title level 7 (level 205). ===KITing=== - Killing In Transit - Killing a monster by staying out of its reach while harming it. Usually done by slowing the monster down, and/or increasing your own speed, and either using attacks with better range than the monster's, or DOT effects. Also called Kiting, describing the action of pulling the monster after you like a kite. ===KOS=== - Kill On Sight. If you are severely disliked by a monster it probably considers you KOS. ===KS=== - Kill Steal - The act of taking a kill from another player that has already initiated combat. This is very much frowned upon. ===LC=== - Land Control - A feature allowing organisations to own land through building notum mining towers on it. ===LD=== - Link Dead - Losing connection to the server. Also, "Link Death", a death attributed to going Link Dead. ===Leveling=== - When you get enough XP, you will reach a new level. This gives you certain advantages, like more IP to spend on skills. ===Lvl=== - Level ===MA=== - Martial Artist. ===Mish=== - Mission. ===Mobs=== - Originally meaning MOBile or MOBile creature, the meaning has basically mutated to mean all monsters. ===MP=== - Meta-Physicist. ===Mule=== - Using a specialized character within a certain area to help out one of your other characters, either by acting as an equipment storage, or a buff dispenser. ===Nano=== - Term used for abilities using Nanobots. Shortened term for Nano Program. ===NCU=== - Nano Controlling Unit(s). Defines the amount of friendly nano programs (e.g. buffs and HOTs) your character can have at any given time. ===NPC=== - Non Player Character - Any character in the game that is not directly controlled by a real life human being like a player or a GM. ===NT=== - Nano-Technician. ===OE=== - Over-Equipping - Wearing / wielding an item which you do not corrently meet the requirements for, though you did at the time of equipping it. Item might perform under par when Over-Equipped, but not all items are affected by Over-Equipping. ===OT=== - Omni-Tek. ===Pet=== - An NPC under the control of a player character. ===Pulling=== - Targeting a creature, in order to make it move towards you. Often used in groups. One person is the "puller", and pulls the monster in the direction of the group (and away from other monsters that might help it), who waits some distance away, ready to kill the monster. ===PvP=== - Player vs Player - Combat between player characters. ===QL=== - Quality level. ===Reclaim=== - Reclaim Terminal - A storage for picking up your items after dying. Most items will be moved to such a terminal upon dying, but only if the character is at least level 10. ===Res=== - Resurrection - Being reconstructed near a Reclaim Terminal after dying. ===Res Shock=== - Resurrection Shock - Temporary penalties on all skills and abilities as a result of dying. Wears off gradually over a few minutes, and does not occur for characters below level 15. ===Scan=== - The act of saving your character at an insurance scanning terminal. ===Social=== - Used to describe creatures that help out each other. E.g. if you attack a rhino beater and another rhino type is around, then that second rhino will attack you also, because rhinomen are social. ===Support Profession=== - Used to refer to a profession that may help a team in a variety of ways, and is not focused on one specific task such as healing or doing damage. ===Tank=== - A character with a high ability to take a beating, and often the ability to taunt the enemy into ignoring others. Used as a human shield for others in combat, and slso known as a Meatshield. ===Twinking=== - The act of using higher level characters to equip a lower level character with higher level equipment or credits. ===Whom-Pah=== - The name given to teleporters located throughout Rubi-Ka. This name was given due to the sound the teleporter makes when in operation. ===XP=== - Experience Points - Points gained for various tasks, mainly combat, but also trade skills and missions. When enough XP is collected, you gain a new level. ===Zoning=== - Moving between playfields, e.g from your apartment to the backyard, or from one outdoor area to another.


===AFK=== - Away From Keyboard. ===BRB=== - Be Right Back, or Bath Room Break. ===Ding=== - An exclamation used to explain that you leveled. ===Gimp=== - Expression used about a poorly developed or poorly performing character. Sometimes used as an insult. ===Grats=== - Congratulations. ===IC=== - In Character - Talking as if you were your character, not as yourself, i.e. role-playing. ===LFT=== - Looking For Team ===LOL=== - Laughs Out Loud ===OOC=== - Out Of Character. Saying or doing something that is not role-play. Mostly used by role-players, as they sometimes need to say something that relates to the real world. ===ROFLOL=== - Rolling on Floor, Laughing out Loud ===WTA=== - Want to auction (sell to highest bidder). ===WTB=== - Want to buy. ===WTS=== - Want to sell. ===WTT=== - Want to trade (item exchange, with credits only as a minor part).